So, I forgot to talk about that (straight) S&M dungeon I went to.
It was by this major intersection on the border between the hipster and Puerto Rican neighborhoods - just 2 storefronts down from this laundromat that's open late and is full of short, fat hispanic women with clothes baskets! - and there was no sign outfront, just this little buzzer that you hit, and then the door opened up onto two flights of stairs going straight up, and the entire time after I hit the secret buzzer, I was thinking to myself, "This is so naughty," and I kept feeling that more and more as I walked up the stairs, and then the door at the top opened for me -
Onto what looked like someone's living room, only there was a counter on the left when I came in. Steve the BDSM guy had me as one of his monthly guests, and even though he wasn't there yet, they let me...
Basically, on the left was this tacky bar with styrofoam bowls of pretzels, and on the right was a fireplace and these big plump couches, and a coffee table in the middle, and over the fireplace teddy bears, including one in a little cage... There was a bookcase too, and pictures everywhere were of cartoon women either dominating of being submitted, and on the couch was this older couple, the sweetest you've ever seen, in kind of neat but faded clothes, both of them plump and with white hair and looking like someone's grandparents, only the woman was reading this book that was black, except for white lettering on the spine that said "FLOGGING".
The museum coordinator who hosted the movie series and was there to give the talk was there with her boyfriend at the nearly full bar, but luckily there was a seat next to them, so I sat down, right beside this really fat (white) chick in all black and a short skirt, and down from a fat bald goateed white dude, while this kind of dumpy (white) woman who looked tense who was behind the bar asked me what I wanted....
They don't serve alcohol, so I had a cranberry juice... I could have gotten orange juice or Coke or Diet Coke or coffee or tea or bottled water as well, but I figured the cranberry juice, since winter is coming on and it's good against infections... They had a back room that I could just see through, and they had extra food back there, as well as shelf upon shelf of Wet Wipes.
Anyhow, after sitting down, the really (fat) white chick asked me if it was my 1st time there, and when I said it was, she said she was the Education Coordinator, and asked me if I wanted a tour.
She said the entrance area was a safe non-sexual space for people who needed a breather from other rooms, and then we went through the doorway - tied up Barbie dolls were suspended from the doorframe! - and we went into the 1st "playroom".
"Play in here tends to be loud and raucous," she was like, "And the music tends to be loud and energetic and heavy," and she let me walk around this big room full of contraptions like crosses and ladders and tables that you could tie people to, and we stopped in front of this crazy chair thing with multiple levels and all sorts of padding.
"Feel free to ask me any questions about what any of this is," she was like, and after I didn't, she was like, "People usually ask what this is, it's an oral sex chair," and after I didn't say anything again, she was like, "For oral sex, or cunnilingus."
Then, we walked by this thing that looked like a padded pool table.
"And that's for orgies," she was like.
Then, we walked by this thing that was a low, big metal box of some sort, but with cloth covering the sides.
"That's for puppy play," she was like.
And then, she added, "Bad puppies go in there."
After that, we went back through the main room, into this righthand room with the sign "SERENITY" over the top, and this had a lot more similar contraptions, but a lot of cages, including one where you could have this giant ball over your head that would allow you to breathe but not see anything, and there was this giant winch on the top of the room so you could raise any cage and suspend it.
"Play in here is more quiet and subdued," she was like. "It's an entirely different atmosphere."
Then, she showed me this table with hooks so you could bind someone down, and all the hooks were arranged in the shape of a person, and there were slits by the head and by the genitals.
"That's so you can breathe if you're face down," she was like, pointing to the slit by the head, "And that," she said, pointing to the one by the genitals/ass, "is for access."
Then, she walked me past an ob/gyn examination table and showed me an old wooden chair for genital torture, and then led me into a very small room that only a couple machines and candles burning on the walls.
"This is for people who might not feel comfortable playing in public," she was like. "The walls are closer in, so you can be intimate with your partner, and only a few people can watch."
Then, she took me to the side room off of there, with giant changing screens.
"People change in here," she was like.
"Oh, for costume play?", I said, knowingly.
"Yes," she was like, impatiently, "But we also get a lot of crossdressers. We ask everyone to respect the neighborhood, and bring their clothes to change here."
After that, the tour was over...