Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dream of Decay: Refrigerator.

Last month I had another dream of decay, though not about my apartment -

I dreamt that I was at my parents house, and I was standing in front of the fridge with the door open, and I held in my hands the plastic piece that slides onto mounts built into the door for an interior rack, and the right half of the rack was broken, and my mother (who I couldn't see) said that that had happened recently.

(The other week the piece in my fridge was partially slid off, and I had to slide it back on, and also around the time that I had this dream I was planning a trip back to visit my parents...  I also wonder if my dream was referring to my mom's lumpectomy and precautionary mastectomy in one breast, now that I wrote up the dream.)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Farewell bbq.

At the farewell bbq for the Chilean astrophysicists, both gave a speech, and the first one said that it touched him deeply to see so many people gather in farewell, and that one of the many feelings that he felt was sadness, and that he wanted to cry.

He had a knife in his hand from the lamb that had been barbecued, and then joked about picking out his eyes to stop crying.

The Chileans also left the lamb's skull on the bbq grate, and someone joked about going to leave it near a nearby public sculpture of a sleeping lamb.

Also, I got to use my Spanish with the other Chilean's (monolingual) mother.

When I said bye to her - when I leave an event, I always make a circle and say bye to everyone who I had spoken to, it's something that my dad does too - she said something in Spanish about "the next time...", and though she repeated it twice, I couldn't understand what she said.

So, someone nearby translated for me, and it turns out that was saying, "The next time I see you, you need to speak better Spanish."

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Motion Sickness.

The new kind of subway cars that the city bought are causing a lot of people motion sickness.

I thought it was just me, but I saw a grad student who I know the other day, and she said that she now keeps dramamine in her purse.

The rides are smooth and the car doesn't jerk around, so you're much more sensitive to the stop-and-go motion of the car when the driver rides the brakes.

Last month I was so queasy by the time that I got to school, that I actually walked half a block and then began to vomit up my breakfast as I was crossing an intersection.  I stopped and sat on a fire hydrant and finished my vomiting, and there was this big patch of orange and tan vomit, from my morning raw carrots and hummus on toast. 

A (black) (male) traffic director who was in the nearby street called over to ask if I was okay.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A guy who bangs trannies.

The other month I was in the seedy nightclub I like, and had texted this (Latina) MTF transsexual that I know to see if she was going, and she was, and we ended up running into each other there.

As I walked in, I could see her dancing in front of me, and over to my left was this silver fox solidly-built (white) guy in a hoodie and shorts and tasteful loafters, and from the way I saw him glance at her, I knew he was a tranny-chaser.

She, however, ended up with this other guy, a young cleancut (white) guy in his late 20s who had a white collared shirt on and slid up next to her as she was sitting down and put his arm around her lower back.

Later, as I was doing a circuit of the club, I saw the silver fox guy by the bar, and I said hi to him.

"Who's your lovely lady friend?", he said immediately.  "Is that her boyfriend?".

I then started talking to him, and it turns out that he was a jovial 47-y.o. guy from Long Island who was in town for ten days for a TV film crew he works on, and in the last 3 years he's finally let himself sleep with trannies.

Before that, he said he dated every woman he slept with, one for 8 years, and another for 11, though now he has a 25-y.o. (Latina) girlfriend who he met through an escort service.

He was surprisingly talkative about trannies:

- as a kid, he used to masturbate to Playgirl, but the cock turned him on, not the man, and the thought of a cock on a woman is what gets him hard; guys like him can even be tranny size queens, going for the trannies with the biggest dicks.

- he's tried getting fucked by a tranny twice, at her request, but it hurt and he's not so keen on it.

- usually, he fucks trannies in their ass, since he goes for the ones with cocks but likes to fuck.

- the women he likes have to be womanly, though he once slept with a (Mexican) tranny who wasn't on hormones and just had her hair long, because she had a really thin fine body with just a little hair and that was enough.

- he's fucked a tranny porn star who charges $200 an hour, she says she doesn't need the money, she just likes a lot of sex and prefers to get paid for it when she can.

- for every time his girlfriend escorts, they've worked out a system where he fucks 2 other escorts, "though I don't really want to," he said, since he prefers to fuck her (and getting fucked is what she likes best, though she'll fuck clients if they want).

He also told me some stuff his girlfriend said:

- thanks to the net, more and more older customers and finally letting themselves admit they like trannies, and then seek out escorts.

- she's gotten more blowjobs as a tranny then as a guy, and said the thing men who hire her love most is to go down on her cock.

I told him about the class I teach and we traded numbers; he said he'd be happy to come in and talk to my kids if he's in town next time I teach it.

"You seem like a very down-to-earth guy," I was like, "And I appreciate your willingness to talk about these important issues."

"Oh, that's the way I am, I'm always telling my coworkers, 'You should have seen this beautiful tranny I just banged'," he was like.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Unheralded trend of summer 2013?

Everywhere I've been this summer, guys in their 20s and 30s wear drape-y gym shorts and freeball, so the cloth falls over and outlines their cock.

One day I was walking on a sidewalk and a guy passed and I heard this woman behind me say, "He's a product of male natural selection."

I really think that (straight) guys have started doing this as a way to advertise their wares, for women who care about that sort of thing. 

It's almost like a tasteful version of emailing a woman your cock pic out of the dating site; if she's looking, she wants to know, and if she does and you're showing, it'll be a bonus.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Africans driving.

There's some West Africans (mostly Nigerians) who live in my neighborhood.

The other month, I was stopped at a light on a sidestreet, in the lefthand turn lane, waiting for it to change so I could make a lefthand turn and be on my way.

Then, I heard a honk behind me, and there's 2 fat (black) women in African garb sitting all in their black SUV, and the driver waves her hand for me to get out of the way, even though the light hasn't changed.

Did she think bikes don't belong on the road, or that they shouldn't follow traffic signals?

She looked mean, too.

Like three or four days after, I was biking on a semi-major street and going across a major street, when this car zooms out in front of me, then makes a sharp righthand turn directly in front of me, then slams on his brakes, since pedestrians just got to the point in the crosswalk that prevented him from making a righthand turn.

I slammed on my brakes, and fortunately the person behind me did too, though they honked their horn out of suprise.

As I biked past, I looked in, and I think the driver was a(n African) guy.

I honestly think that people from some cultures drive aggressively and think they own the road, and don't care about bicyclists (and I follow traffic laws!).

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Electricity problems.

I guess for a while the overhead lights in my room and closet in my parents' house have been funky, and won't turn on.

(My mom uses space in my old closet to store fabric, and she keeps quilts on my bed to lay them out flat.)

The other month, she was just at home in general during the day and went to go the bathroom, and flipped the switch in the bathroom, and realized the power was out.

She waited a bit and then decided to call to see if it was regional, local, or just our house, and it was just our house, and wouldn't you know it, an electricity company truck was in the neighborhood and showed up in 15 minutes.

The guy nosed around the house, and then he went to talk to my mom, and, thinking of the problems in my room, she was like, "I really have no idea if the problem is inside or outside."

Then, the guy held up a dead charred squirrel and was like, "Outside."