Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Coffee Can for You (74 of 77): Nature's Place Organic.

This is one of the two cans I got at a Hannaford's in Waltham, Massachusetts:

The air pressure in the overhead bin on the way back really fucked with this can (though not the other one), and so it collapsed inward some.

So, when I got back, I kept it in my fridge and used it first (the seal had actually broken inside and the top popped off, and there was ground coffee all over my carry-on), and then before putting it up for display, I got a hammer and tried to hammer out the major dents in the can.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Coffee Can for You (73 of 77): Cafe Altura.

I got this can when I was down in Indiana volunteering with my neighbor for Obama:

Like many liberals, the can is prone to wordiness:

Just when you thought it was over, there's more:

I associate this can with liberals since I got it at a store when I was volunteering for Obama, and because it was a natural health foods store. I think I also got an organic soda when I was there, and this raspberry gummy treat bar thing made out of wheat or gluten and with all-natural sweeteners.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Coffee Can for You (72 of 77): Tim Hortons.

I got this one of the past few times I was in the Detroit-area visiting relatives, and either my mom or my dad (my mom?) wanted to pop in to a Tim Hortons and gets some coffee, and I got this can:

I like how the back is in French, since Tim Hortons is a Canadian company:

In my .jpeg labelling, I put the English first, since I think Tim Hortons is basically a company based out of anglophone Canada.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Coffee Can for You (71 of 77): Migros Turk Kahvesi.

This past Februrary I was going to a yuppie vegetarian restaurant with a friend, and I popped into this Turk-run Euro-style coffee shop I'd seen before but never stopped in to as we passed it, and found this can:

I love how this can has a big "M" on it, it's like my apartment's version of the big M that Mary Tyler Moore had on her wall in the Mary Tyler Moore show.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Coffee Can for You (70 of 77): Hannaford Premium Blend.

I got this can when I was out on my Thanksgiving-time vacation and visiting a friend, along with a Nature's Place Organic can:

There was a Hannaford's right down the street from a room in a house she was renting in Waltham, Massachusetts, and I popped in to look for coffee cans.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Coffee Can for You (69 of 77): Jewel Classic Roast.

I got this one night when I met my one Dutch friend downtown to go see a hunting-themed art exhibit opening, and then we were going to go get a drink, but he needed to work one more hour on a disseration chapter to get it out to his advisor, so he set up at a starbucks and I went to a local Jewel to look for coffee cans:

I got this one and one other one, but I can't remember which, now. Maybe it was the Hills Bros. can? Or, maybe I looked at the Maxwell House cans when I was at Jewel and knew that maybe I didn't have one of those, either (I still don't, it's on my acquisitions list).

Maybe I should start a tagging system of when and where I got each can, but the trouble is that my collection is too big now to do that, and that that would be a little much.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Coffee Can for You (68 of 77): Ferrara Cafe Espresso.

I can't remember where I got this one - at the local expensive European-style supermarket that I hate, that caters to yuppies?:

I'm not a big fan of the red-and-yellow color scheme. The red seems too bright, to me.