Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My three favorite election moments.

1) At the black neighborhood bar (watched results there) when Michelle Obama came onstage in that red and black dress of hers and she and Barack looked into each other's eyes really intensely and had that really intimate quick kiss while he had his hands resting on her ass --- the black people started cheering and whistling, and this one drunk black dude yelled out and was like, "Yeah, he's going to fuck like a president tonight!"

2) In between canvassing shifts in Indiana, me and my canvassing partner stopped for a quick break at a local diner that deep-fried everything, and I asked the old counter lady about the "taco dog" on the menu. "That's a hotdog in a soft taco shell with cheese and onions and lettuce and beef," she was like. "It's something different." When I got it, they plunked a bottle of hotsauce on the table, and the cheese turned out to be nacho cheese.

3) At the very last shift of the night, my canvassing partner took a lady to the polls, and since her car was small, I ended up staying at the (black) voter's house with her (black) teenage daughter Kwaneesha. The mom sat me down on a plastic-covered hair in their living room to wait and handed me the remote to their huge flatscreen and was like, "Here!" Then, she made me get up again so her daughter could take a picture with me and my partner and her, of her on the way to the polls, and we all held up Obama doorhangers. It took my partner like 30-40 minutes to take her to the polls, since there was a small registration problem that they had to iron out, and plus the lady kept having her take pictures of every step of her going to vote, about thirty or so pictures in all, my canvassing partner said.


JUSIPER said...

What was Kwaneesha like?

el blogador said...

Wonderful. Very smart and outgoing. She wants to be an electrical engineer and loves math and electronics class. She does track and cross-country for fun, but isn't serious about it like her older sister is about basketball.