Saturday, December 21, 2019

Comment of one resthome coworker, about another.

I've noticed that at some point every resthome coworker of mine bitches about every other resthome coworker of mine, saying that they don't do their work and so foist it onto everyone else.

I don't think that's true, but people still bitch.

The other week I overhead my one (female) (Mexican) coworker bitching about my one (male) (Nigerian) coworker.

"Look at him!", she was like, to someone else.  "He has all those muscles, but he doesn't use them!".

Friday, December 20, 2019

People on the bus the other month:

1) A (young) (thin) (black) guy with crazy eyes talking on his phone so loud, talking about some nasty chick who doesn't smell like perfume, she smells like shit, and "fuck this" and "fuck that," all for a very long time until he finally gets off the bus.

. . .

2) After he leaves, a (younger) (fat) (bearded) (white) guy, who turns around to talk to people very loudly, saying how he was in prison for some crime but he doesn't do anything now, and he doesn't seem to be talking to anyone in particular, so the bus driver asks him to stop, or she'll go and make him get off the bus.

. . .

3) Like right after he gets on, the (older) (black) lady sitting next to me, who I had chit-chatted with on and off for the entire ride, who goes to get off the bus to go meet her friend for dinner, who after saying "Have a good night" is like, "And good luck with the other one."

Thursday, December 19, 2019

People on the subway the other month:

1) A (fat) (moustachioed) (white) guy in a baseball hat and in a union shirt saying "brother" to a(n older) (black) guy who says he's a poet with a book on Amazon, and they both have loud voices like "that guy," and then a (younger) (black) woman with a soft voice butts in and asks the (black) guy why doesn't he vote and protest both, not just protest and raise consciousness about the system.

Only, this goes on for well over twenty minutes until the (older) (black) guy finally gets off the train, and then the (fat) (moustachioed) (white) guy and the (younger) (black) woman start talking about the (older) (black) guy and what he had to say, repeating his weirdest comments to each other.

. . .

2) A (younger) (white) guy with a (thin) (light brown) moustache who looks kind of white trash-y and maybe homeless, and he says "n*gg*er" to his (young) (black) friend that he's talking with, only to have a (younger) (black) guy standing near him say he'll hit him if he ever says it again.

After the (younger) (black) guy gets off the train, the (younger) (white) guy observes that he shut up because that guy was crazy, not because he was tough, because someone who was tough would actually have gone off and just hit you, and not have said anything about it first.

"Who says 'I'm going to hit you'?", he was like, "No one."

. . .

3) A (young) (light-skinned black) woman with richly-coiffed curly hair under a knit cap runs through the train car doors as they're closing and runs all "WOMP!" into the plexiglass panel by me separating the door from the bench-seats on the subway car, and then she recovers and sits down and begins super intently staring at her phone as she sits across the car from me and a little to my right.

And, after like ten to fifteen minutes, she pulls out a cigarette pack and starts hitting it against her thigh to settle the tobacco, only she doesn't stop, and the light rapid thwacking sound keeps going on and on and on, for at least twenty minutes.

At one point, I see a(n older) (black) woman in a public transportation worker's uniform farther up the car turn around to look at what the sound is, and later a (well-dressed) (young) (black) woman who comes in and sits a few seats down from me asks what it is and we shake our heads, and then even later a (scrawny) (late middle-aged) (black) woman who came in and sat down across from me looks over and sees that and shakes her head, which breaks the ice and I start talking to her.

"I'm here from Louisiana," she was like.

"And that's saying something, if someone up here behaves so crazy that you take notice," I was like.

"Humph," she was like, not necessarily in disagreement, and then she said that she was visiting her daughter in college, which she does a lot, since she doesn't work anymore.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bad bus service in the far reach of the city.

The other week on a workday weekday, I went to go have dinner with an artist friend and his wife at their house in the far reach of the city, in a white-cop-and-city-worker neighborhood beyond a bunch of black neighborhoods.

First, when I got to the end of the subway line at like 4pm and I had to hop on a bus, I had just missed a bus, and it was *seventeen* minutes until the next one came.

When I asked her what was up, a (younger) (black) woman told me that they usually come every seven to eight minutes, but every once in a while one drops out, so that must be what it was, and then after a few minutes she goes and hops into an Uber that pulled up that she must have ordered to get to wherever she was going.

Second, after dinner I went to a neighborhood bar for a few drinks, and I could have hustled to try to catch the last bus at like twelve-thirty at night, but I was having such a good time, that I decided to stay out later.

And, the (later-middle aged) (white) bartender with a tam o'shanter (sp.?) said it wasn't even worth calling a regular cab, it could take up to two hours for one to show up, so she said I should just download a rideshare app and order a ride that way.

So, I did, and I paid Uber like $8 so I could get back to the subway line in that part of the city.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

More buliding blocks of Tibetan.

Besides my like five or six phrases that I know in Tibetan, I now know how to say a basic "it is" and "it isn't" construction, and how to pluralize nouns with the a "tso" addition or ending or whatever to whatever noun I'm saying.

The other week I found out how to say "teacher" so I could surprise my (Tibetan) coworkers who help me learn things by saying "hello, teacher!" and "good night, teacher!", too, and then right afterwards when one of my two (Tibetan) coworkers who I was talking with taught me the plural, too, I had to get going to do something, so I was like, "see you later, teachers!", and I tried pluralizing the word "teacher" that I know.

That made them laugh and one of them was like, "Good!", and when I asked, she said I said "teachers" right, and that she was impressed.

It was just pluralizing a noun using a simple ending I was taught, but that's cool, if she's impressed,  I'll take it.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Odd sight the other day at the bank in my neighborhood:

I'm at the main counter and I see a familiar guy walk in to use the ATM and our eyes meet, and then I recognize that it's the city's police chief, who lives in my neighborhood and who I've never actually met but who I still recognized anyways, and I think to myself for a second after he goes to use the ATM that I should have waved in a friendly way or something at him, since I at least knew for my part who he was.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

A sight at an older wooden bar the other night at around 2:30am:

A (taller) (skinny) (white) guy gets up from a (middle aged) group sitting by the window, and on the way to the bar to go get more drinks for everyone, he stops and does a quick breakdance in the middle of the floor.