Saturday, August 27, 2016

Crazy story about a Trump supporter from a suburban (Jewish) Democrat.

The other week at a (new) bar in the fratty bourgeios part of the city, I was talking with this (late middle-aged) (Jewish) Democrat, who was in town from the suburbs for some reason.

We started chitchatting about smartphones since I was catching up on election news on mine while having a beer, and then when I said I was doing that because I just couldn't read enough about the crazy shit happening with Trump, he asked me who I was supporting in the election.

"Clinton, of course," I was like.

"Good," he was like.

He then said that he's the person who posts stuff on Facebook about politics, and lately it's been a shitstorm with all of these friends of friends who he doesn't know piling on his posts in order to curse him out since he doesn't like Trump.

"So, I always say, 'Would you be comfortable with your mother reading that?'", he was like.

The other week, though, after he wrote that in response to a comment, the phone rings and his wife picks it up, and it's some guy from the comments page who didn't have their number and didn't know them at all but got so mad that he decided to look them up and call them and shout at them on the phone.

He was spooked, and so he told a friend in law enforcement, and that guy called the guy from the comments page, and then after that he called him back and was like, "He shouldn't do anything again, but if he does, let us know."

. . .

Isn't that crazy?!??!?!?!??!?!??!!

Trump people can be so angry.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Change in my morning bike commute to school.

At the place where a diagonal street begins on my route into school, the city cut off traffic by creating a small park with a fountain.

Because it's easier to wait for a walk signal and go across the intersection and on sidewalks through the small park to pick up that diagonal street, versus go down the street farther and face a bunch of traffic in order to make a lefthand turn, I usually do that on all the mornings when I bike into school.

Though, for some odd reason there's a huge chunk out of the pavement right in front of where the sidewalk meets the street where I go to pick it up in order to go through the park, and so I have to bike carefully around it in order to get on the sidewalk.

The other day as I was biking in, though, it turns out that that gap had been filled in with pavement!

City road crews must have been out since the last time I commuted in, I figured.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Korean potatoes.

The other week I went to the beach and then (Korean) food with my one (half Sudanese) (half British) friend (the sister of the brother-and-sister pair I'm friends with).

She loves Korean food and especially this one restaurant near where she used to live, and she especially loves this chilled potato appetizer that they bring out to you in a little plate with kimchi and whatnot.

So, since she loves to cook, especially pickles and salads, she asked the owner how to make the chilled potatoes.

"That is only here," he said, and explained that the recipe is from his mother and grandmother, and his wife learned how to make it; the same dish exists elsewhere, he said, but it's much sweeter, and this is the old style, which is what you can't get anywhere else.

He then said you just boil peeled potato cubes in water and soysauce, with a little garlic and crushed red pepper and sugar, then chill.

I've already gotten some potatoes and am trying this.

My first batch was okay, but baby redskins tasted too "potato"-ey, though that might also be because I made the cubes too large.

I also bought a few white potatoes and a baking potato, and plan to experiment using those.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Beautiful bikeride home after a day at the beach:

Storms come in, so I decamp to a local cafeteria and have a leisurely dinner, and then when the storm passes, I bicycle home.

Behind me and a very little bit to my right is dark clouds, but straight ahead and to my left is just clear sky with brilliant sunlight.

Sometimes I turn my head to look at the contrast.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Gold chair in my living room might be infested.

I also suspect that bedbugs have infested the goldchair in my living room.

One day I fell asleep there, and moved to the hammock later, and woke up with a shit-ton of bites.

Another evening I was reading there, and a bite emerged on my arm, where I was resting it on the chair.

Bedbug nymphs are hard to see, and I'm wondering if that night I fell asleep in the chair, they honed in on the carbon dioxide I was breathing off, got set up in the chair, and are now there to bite me.

I brushed diatomaceous earth on the inside under the cushions, and sprayed some pesticide, and now spray the chair with rubbing alcohol every evening when I come home, just like I do with my room.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Hammock wasn't foolproof against bedbugs.

So, my hammock gave me two weeks free of bedbugs, but it wasn't foolproof, and like two days in a row I woke up with like 10-12 bites and droppings in there, and then the day after just one bite again...

My hunch is that the bugs crawl up on the ceiling and drop down - something that government websites confirm they do - because I was very careful to shower and put obstructions like baby powder and Vaseline around the ropes, and there's no way they could have gotten onto me that way.

So, everyday after I woke up with bites, I took down my hammock, boiled it, and then airdried it in the backyard.

Also, after two days of that, I decided to apply diatomaceous earth on the ceiling, and I maskingtaped a paintbrush to a broom handle and applied some all around the room where the wall met the ceiling, and also all around the light fixture in the middle, and also in swathes around where my hammock extends across the room.

My hunch is that the powder will cause some bugs to lose traction and so they won't be able to climb onto the ceiling and drop onto me, and even if they do, they'll have to pass through the diatomaceous earth, which is a death sentence after like 7-10 days.

After I did this, the next day I only got the one bite, and then none the day after.

Did the powder keep the bugs off the ceiling?  Is my hammock safe again?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Wart satisfaction.

I'm really enjoying removing the wart on the inner side of my lefthand pinkie.

It's been fun to see the skin die and then peel it off after soaking it, and watch the huge hump of wart get gradually smaller and smaller and smaller.

Right now the skin is almost even, back to around where it was before before I had a wart, I can tell from comparing the pinkies on both hands.