Saturday, April 10, 2021

Job repartee (1 of 2): Cleaning deck chairs.

The other week I was at the apartment of my one assisted living client with disabilities's, and her (lesbian) sister was over, and one of my tasks was to clean the deck chairs out on my client's little apartment deck.

And, the (lesbian) sister must have been doing some (neo-pagan) rites out on the porch for some reason, because she was like, "I'll have to bring in the cauldron for you."

And, I started to get set up out there, and she went out and got the cauldron, and she was like, "And it's not even hot!"

And, I was like, "Not compared to you," and I winked theatrically.

Friday, April 9, 2021

A resthome joke in poor taste.

The other week at the resthome, I was walking down the hallway with the one newer resident who's a retired building contractor, and he was mentioning how he occasionally falls.

Then, all of a sudden, he was holding on to the bar at the side of the hallway and then it was like he was grasping at it desperately, as he started to collapse and began crying out something like "Aaaaaannnnh!".

Then, he straightened up and chuckled.

"Yep, that's how I got this," he was then like, tapping this big scar up by his hairline. "I tried to scrape the carpet with my forehead."

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Resthome mix-up.

Last month at the resthome, there was a mix-up involving this one new resident who's a (Buddhist) convert.

"Maybe he's confused," my one (Tibetan) coworker with an inappropriate sense of humor was like. "Buddhists are confused."

And, right after she said that, she gave this wide and pointy and devilish grin, being all facetious-like and being all knowing about it at the very same time.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Ludicrous resthome insensitivity.

Last week when I was working at the resthome, I sat in on Passover services, sitting in back and discreetly being present and just being there, in case someone needed help.

And, like I often do at such events, I was quietly flipping through my Egyptian flashcards.

. . .

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Public transportation story...

 ...from this past winter, on a message board that my one art school colleague who wears women's clothes screenshotted and sent to me because I was asking him to let me know about anything that he saw online about the atmosphere on public transportation lately:

Riding the main trainline that is the one that I always take into work, someone saw a (homeless) guy lay out a plastic bag on the seat, and then go and take a shit in it.

. . .

Monday, April 5, 2021


Also, the one resident who I always swear has a Southern accent but actually doesn't said that she drove all the way to California to see her husband, when his ship put in during the War.

She said that everywhere you went, there were a lot of wives like her, and she couldn't believe how much they drank.

"Because of the stress?", I was like.

"No, they just liked to drink," she was like. "They were always in the bars all day, could those women drink, I've never seen anything like it!" .

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Resthome fun!

The other month at the resthome, the monthly newsletter did a feature on people's weddings, where for each person they featured they had one wedding photo and one wedding memory.

The one resident who used to be a school nurse said she especially couldn't recognize the women, and had to look at the photo captions.

Also, there were a lot of funny stories, though the one resident who I always swear has a Southern accent but actually doesn't said that she looked very serious in her wedding photo because it was a very serious time, and she was afraid her husband would die because kamikazes were crashing into ships.