Saturday, February 9, 2013

Werner Erhard revelations (3 of 3): Sexlife.

From Steven Pressman's "Outrageous Betrayal: The Dark Journey of Werner Erhard from EST to Exile" (p. 145) (to paraphrase):

Werner Erhard fucked Cloris Leachman.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Werner Erhard revelations (2 of 3): Tax Havens.

From Steven Pressman's "Outrageous Betrayal: The Dark Journey of Werner Erhard from EST to Exile" (p. 48):

For Erhard and EST, the convoluted financial journey began in October 1971 when [tax lawyer Harry] Margolis shuffled some legal documents that instantly turned one of his dummy corporations, the Saratoga Restaurant Equipment Company, into Erhard Seminars Training Inc.  The newly transformed corporation announced in one of its charter documents that it was "no longer functioning as a restaurant equipment company, but as an organization for the development of human consciousness."

. . .

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ayn Rand poem...

My one friend with the cat texted me a joke she heard about Ayn Rand:

Just saw on Facebook, ayn rands fave joke:

roses are red/
violets are blue/
finish this poem yourself/
you dependent parasite

Then, she texted me again -

Next line would prob be:

And then come over and fuck me like a man

. . .

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chili-Cheese Spaetzle.

A few weeks ago on a night of barhopping in the German neighborhood that has vestigial Germans and German bars, I popped into this one bar-restaurant filled with older people eating schnitzel.

On the menu?

Chili-cheese spaetzle (though for an astounding $9.95).

I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff, though, so I got it...  It was only okay, but I was stoked for the concept, and texted a friend from Milwaukee telling him what I had just ordered.

His response -

Fuck yeah.

I love Midwest foodways.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My shoes are decaying.

I always get black tennis shoes at Marshall's or Payless, since you can get them for $25-$35.

The soles on my most recent pair, which I got this summer, are already wearing through in a few places...  The rubber turned out to be low quality, and has broken through mildly on each heel.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Yuppie spawn.

Years ago, my one Dutch friend said, "Why do all the men from [the yuppie neighborhood in the city] all wear North Face?".

Actually, I didn't hear him ask that, but an American friend of both of us had said he said that, and how after he had said that, he started to notice it everywhere.

Then, after that conversation, I began to notice that same thing too.

Anyhow, like 2 weeks ago, I was out in the early evening at a new bar, a bar inside this bbq restaurant on the edge of a yuppie neighborhood, and this aging jock guy was in their with his toddler - and the little boy had a North Face fleece on.

As my dad would say, "Train 'em young!".

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Serious convo re: a friend's relationship.

So my one (light-skinned black) friend from Arkansas has been dating this guy she met at her New Age co-op, who's excessively hyper (to the point of mania), a know-it-all, wears a crystal around his neck, and is like in his late 30s with a 20 year-old kid and works as a server in bars with no savings and no plans for the future.

And, she's having a hard time deciding whether to keep him or not.

I pointed out in so many words that he should change, and that he's too possessive of her, and other things, and then she was like,

"So I'm gathering that you're not a fan of [the guy's name]," she was like.

And, before I even realized what I was saying, I was like, "I wouldn't put it that way, I'm a fan of a good decisions."

Thankfully she is a nice person and we were able to laugh about how awful what I said sounded (and then talk through why I felt that way).