Saturday, December 12, 2020

Poor decision made when groggy.

Last month on my day off after I had slept in a ton and I was still super super groggy and I couldn't wake up at all, the mail came in, and when I went to go get it from my apartment foyer that my mail slot drops into, I saw that my neighbor had gotten three letters, too, that had been misdelivered to me in my apartment.

I opened the door to see if any packages that I was expecting had come in (they hadn't), and then without my thinking at all, I put the three letters there on my doorstep to go take down later to his mailbox around the side of the building, since I was so so sleepy and I was still in my boxers and I still needed some more coffee in order to do my best to try to wake up that day.

Then, like an hour later, I went to go get the letters from my doorstep to go take them down to my neighbor, but they were gone, and it suddenly clicked with me that it was kind of windy outside, and that the wind must have blown them away.

Very very poor planning on my part, but I was tired and I wasn't really thinking, and I hadn't really encountered a situation like that before.

I guess now I know what I should do in the future, if anything like that happens again.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Toe flesh.

Last month, I was taking a long bath, and when I went to go scratch loose skin off of the sole of my left foot, there was like a layer of flesh at the base of my toes that came off in like huge wraps, like one wrap per toe, and maybe one that stretched across the between-the-toe area to encompass the base of two toes, one on each side.

It was like my toes lost a layer of flesh, but just underneath them and only up towards the foot, not at the toe pads or the toe tips at all.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Ham water coffee.

Last month, I made up a big pot of pea soup, and I separately boiled up the ham bone and the onion and celery scraps, to make a broth that I then strained and added back in to the pea soup.

Interestingly, as the pea soup settled, it was not only more watery on top, but after I threw it in the refrigerator, that top watery layer also got semi-gelatinous, I must have cooked the ham bone down so much!

Like the next day, I then boiled up water in the same broth pot, to make my morning cup of instant coffee. (I've been using instant because I ran out of regular and I'm seriously spacing out trips to the grocery store because of the pandemic, I'm going like every four or five weeks, seriously). And, as I boiled it, the water gave off this ham odor, though the coffee tasted just normal, when I whipped it up and finally sipped it.

I was a bit disappointed, I almost wanted to find out what ham-flavored coffee tastes like. You can put a slice of lemon into instant coffee to make it taste more like normal coffee, so who knows, maybe the ham water would make it taste like a latte or something.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

LIbrary conundrum.

The library in my city cancelled all fines like last year.

So what happens if you're reading a book, and it gets recalled?

This is not a theoretical question, either!

Last week a book got recalled that I was finally getting into after a year, and between the recall date and my work schedule and the Covid epidemic, I was like, "Fuck it," and I decided just to keep it and read it and polish it off, and so I did that, and I returned it like a week overdue.

They also are quarantining books for up to a week before they pass them on to other patrons, so I figure that that might give me some leeway with them seeking to penalize me somehow, too, that and the fact that there's a pandemic going on.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Lost blog post...

 ...because the note that I jotted down for myself is now opaque:

confused Italian w/knowing

 . . .

 What the f*ck on earth could that have been? 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Backstory of a (Tibetan) coworker: Drinking wine.

The other week I checked in with a group of residents at the resthome and my one (older) (blocky-built) (Tibetan) coworker was there, and I asked them if they wanted coffee or tea or juice or anything, which they didn't.

"Maybe barley tea?", I was like, joking with my one (Tibetan) coworker, but she looked confused and was like, "I don't drink barley tea," and then I realized that I had said the wrong thing and so I was like, "Oh, I didn't mean barley tea, I meant tea with barley flour, do you want tea with barley flour?".

"Oh, you can get that?", she was like, and when I said no, that I was just joking, she laughed.

She then said that all her life she drinks tea with barley flour, that's it, no alcohol, and that one time back in India all her friends were at her house drinking wine, and all night she just drank tea with barley flour, and she ended up cooking for them and cleaning all night and doing everything, while they just sat there and drank wine.  "But I don't drink wine, nooo," she was like.

A little bit later in that same conversation, she asked me to explain what "neither" was.

It was surprisingly difficult to explain.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Two bits of conversation and an exchange...

...from the resthome, recently:

1) I said I was tired to my one (townie) coworker who was working a double and has been working a lot of extra days lately, and as soon as I said that I realized how it sounded and I said I shouldn't say that to her of all people, "but it's lucky you're a woman, since women can take stuff, unlike men, who act strong but are actually posing and actually b*tch and complain all the time," to which she was like, "Yeah, but that still doesn't mean women always want to have to handle things..."

2) A coworker working at the front desk and another coworker were talking about someone who works in our building or used to work there, and one was like, "She actually said her husband wears adult diapers so he can keep gaming, if that was my husband, I would be so embarrassed, I would never talk about it, but she goes around talking like it's something normal..."

3) My one (townie) coworker showed me a video on her smartphone of how her two-year old son drums on her butt, and the look on his face when he pushed her shirt up and saw her tattoo for the first time.