Saturday, December 12, 2020

Poor decision made when groggy.

Last month on my day off after I had slept in a ton and I was still super super groggy and I couldn't wake up at all, the mail came in, and when I went to go get it from my apartment foyer that my mail slot drops into, I saw that my neighbor had gotten three letters, too, that had been misdelivered to me in my apartment.

I opened the door to see if any packages that I was expecting had come in (they hadn't), and then without my thinking at all, I put the three letters there on my doorstep to go take down later to his mailbox around the side of the building, since I was so so sleepy and I was still in my boxers and I still needed some more coffee in order to do my best to try to wake up that day.

Then, like an hour later, I went to go get the letters from my doorstep to go take them down to my neighbor, but they were gone, and it suddenly clicked with me that it was kind of windy outside, and that the wind must have blown them away.

Very very poor planning on my part, but I was tired and I wasn't really thinking, and I hadn't really encountered a situation like that before.

I guess now I know what I should do in the future, if anything like that happens again.

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