Saturday, June 18, 2011

2 life coaching reactions.

1) When I saw the Catalan at the student bar, he was like, "How are you, my therapist?", since I had offered to him once to give him a free life-coaching session.

2) The one student I know from Iowa, right after I had told her that my tutoring was going well and that one student esp. appreciate my encouragement and advice, spontaneously said I should become a life coach. When I asked why, she said because I was positive but realistic, which is a combination of personality traits that not a lot of people have.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Saw Jesus the other day.

The other day at a post-commencement party at a student bar for a guy from my program, at like 10pm Jesus walks in.

"Hey, how are you doing?", he was like.

"Okay, except for allergies," I was like.

"Oh, what are you allergic to?", he said.

"Just seasonal stuff," I was like, then I laughed. "I should have said, 'hispanics'."

At that, he gave a polite laugh, and then pointed out that "We eh-Spaniards are actually a more clean people than Anglo-Saxons," and that eh-Spaniards typically shower twice a day.

"Really?", I was like. "Then why are you still so brown?".

Later, we talked, and he said that he got a job and is moving the 1st of August.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Great book title.

At a get-together the other week I was talking about the Tiki Bar, which sounded like the best bar in my old neighborhood ever, only I never got a chance to go there because it had closed down before I moved...

Anyhow, I was telling my friends about how the waitresses used to steal from customers' purses, prostitutes would turn tricks in the bathroom, etc., and one friend of mine was like, "You would totally read the memoir of the owner if he wrote one," and just when I was saying that I would, my one friend with the cat was like, "Or better yet, a memoir of one of the prostitutes who worked there."

Then, as if saying a book title, she right away added, "'I Was a Tiki Hooker'."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Watching Sister Wives's 2nd season, the last 2 episodes.

I watched the last 2 episodes of "Sister Wives" 2nd season with my one friend with the cat and another friend from Missouri who I know from my one lawyer friend from Missouri.

As always, I was surprised at what women see in the show.

For example, they were talking about how the husband picked the 4th wife (a slim divorcee with kids) "because he knew what she looked like after already having multiple babies".

It was also interesting how the oldest son when angry became very arbitrary in his decision-making and telling his younger brother "that's the way it is", almost like how his dad makes decisions. As my one friend with the cat pointed out, the girls might have 4 female role models they're around all the time, but the boys only have 1 adult male role model.

Also, it made me very sad when we found out that Season 3 starts in the fall. My one friend with the cat got a job in another city, and she'll be gone by then! Finding that out made her impending departure real for the 1st time.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A story of laughter.

At my one German prof's 65th b-day party (which was a departmental function - and a very good one; it lasted for hours at this nice restaurant downtown and was a blast), when he gave his thank-you speech, he talked about the time he was giving a lecture in Praetoria and the audience kept laughing, and he couldn't figure out why, because he didn't have any jokes in his talk.

Afterwards, he found out that a small gray monkey was standing in the window behind him and mimicking all his gestures right after he did them - it put its hand on its chin right after he did, or spread its hands out when he did, etc.

He says he knew the monkey, too, because one had been lurking around that morning trying to get into the kitchen at the guest-house at the university there.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Silverfish!

The other night I saw something dark scurry across my IKEA rug, so I walked up and kept stepping on either side of it (I was in my house sandals) to direct it towards the hardwood floor, at which point I stepped on that dang silverfish - and my housesandal slid on the floor from it, that thing was so big and it had so much guts to spill out.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A text from a Dutch acquaintance.

I randomly know this Dutch guy who works in local non-profits, and since for the longest time we were meaning to catch a drink but always had scheduling conflicts, we ended up texting for months about this and that after figuring out that we couldn't catch a drink that week because of our schedules.

Anyhow, after being in the Arab section of town at those bars, I texted him about how odd it was, that it was in the Arab section of town, but there were no Arab at the bars. We texted back and forth a bit about how Arabs don't drink, then somehow he sent me this (long; in 2 texts!) message:

I'm not keen on western living middle easterners, they're like Amish who keep their weird ass beliefs but choose to drive cars and take advantage of netflix but then still hate it.

. . .