Saturday, April 4, 2020

More coronavirus stuff (2 of 6): Running joke, again.

During the coronavirus stuff, I was at the resthome and like usual I would assist the one resident who I joke with about being a party animal.

At one point, I left and was like, "Okay, I'll see you later, maybe in like an hour when you're two sheets to the wind, three is too much, you pass out and I can't lift you, but two I can manage."

She got a kick out of that.

Friday, April 3, 2020

More coronavirus stuff (1 of 6): Running joke.

During the coronavirus stuff, I was at the resthome and assisting the one resident who I always joke with about being a party animal.

She had gotten her meal in her room, so I was like, "Now don't you go and start harassing the dining staff for an after drink!", which got her to laugh.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


It's funny to think of all the residents who passed away this winter, who never lived to the point where coronavirus was a thing.

I don't mean that they died of coronavirus - they didn't - but rather that history stopped for them with their death, and life has gone on, including to things that they simply never could have anticipated.

I miss talking with them.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronavirus (11 of 11): Mindset.

When I'm on public transportation, I'm as vigilant as I can be about hygiene.

Same when I'm at work.

When I'm at home, I sterilize surfaces and wash hands, and then I can let my hair down a bit.

And, when I'm there, I can sit at my table by my big windows that let the sun in and I can read and research and do Egyptian and chill, and I'm safe, and if I've already caught anything, by then I've already caught anything, and it's out of my hands, but at least I'm not in an environment of erratic contagion.

I'm also getting superstitious.

When I was writing these blogposts ahead of time, as I often do, I made sure to eventually number them up to 11 so this one last one would post at the beginning of April, since that seemed more propitious than ending a series on the last day of March.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus (10 of 11): Passtimes.

The other week, I was texting my one art school colleague who wears women's clothes that at least I'm stocked up on Egyptian textbooks.

And, I am.

They're enough to last me for months, if not a year or more.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus (9 of 11): Unexpected huge shit.

The morning that I did my grocery shopping, I had my standard lentils and raw celery breakfast with strong coffee, then I ran my errands.

When I finally got home, I was hungry, so I had a big bowl of green grapes and some of the strawberries that I had just boughten.

Since that wasn't enough to eat, a little while later I fried up a pound of brussel sprouts with onions in olive oil, keeping them on the raw side, and I ate that with a big bowl of Sriracha chicken ramen noodles.

At that point, just like the last time I had eaten brussel sprouts fried on the raw side, I got kind of queasy, so I laid down for like an hour and caught up on the news on my smartphone.

Then, I suddenly felt like I had to go to the bathroom, and I just shit and shit and shit, like streams of brown water with occasional small fluid chunks in it, and I'd pause only to shit again, and as it came out I could feel it all just emptying out from different parts of my colon, like it was more solid towards when it first started, and then more liquid towards when it was ending, and I could actually feel different sections of my colon just releasing up through me, further and further into the interior.

And then I just sat some more, and more fluid just gushed out of me, but not as much as at first, that next bout of shitting was actually over pretty quickly.

And then I waited and waited and waited, and I had been sitting on the toilet for like over twenty minutes at that point, and then there was one final squirt that was hardly anything at all, it was over that quickly, and then I got up.

Later, I felt like I might need to go just a tiny little bit, but as a point of pride and to show my control, I didn't, and I just went to bed instead, where nothing happened.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronavirus (8 of 11): Food preparation.

For coronavirus, I got like enough food to last me a month, maybe more.

I got:

- 4 big bags of lentils and like 3 or 4 packets of celery (for my standard breakfast).

- a thing of tortillas and a thing of bread.

- a bunch of stable fruit like apples and oranges and pears that I could refrigerate for a while.

- 6 pounds of strawberries that were on sale.

- like 3 heads of lettuce for salads.

- two heads of cabbage and some onions and carrots, since they keep a while.

- an 8-pound bag of potatoes.

- two dozen eggs.

- some pasta and ramen noodles.

- two 1-pound bags of popcorn and two 1-pound bags of split peas.

- a couple of slices of smoked ham, which I froze.

I already had some peppers and tomatoes and tofu, as well as two huge bags of rice, so I figure I'll make a tofu soup-y thing that I can eat with rice, since that stuff spoils first.

Later I'll make maybe some cabbage-onion-tofu thing that I can eat with rice, and a thing of pea soup (with the carrots and ham and peas).

Beyond that, there's potatoes and pasta and cabbage soup in my freezer, and some different cans and legumes in my pantry.

I think like 3 to 4 weeks out is when I'll really have to start stretching things, unless I go to the grocery store again.