Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronavirus (11 of 11): Mindset.

When I'm on public transportation, I'm as vigilant as I can be about hygiene.

Same when I'm at work.

When I'm at home, I sterilize surfaces and wash hands, and then I can let my hair down a bit.

And, when I'm there, I can sit at my table by my big windows that let the sun in and I can read and research and do Egyptian and chill, and I'm safe, and if I've already caught anything, by then I've already caught anything, and it's out of my hands, but at least I'm not in an environment of erratic contagion.

I'm also getting superstitious.

When I was writing these blogposts ahead of time, as I often do, I made sure to eventually number them up to 11 so this one last one would post at the beginning of April, since that seemed more propitious than ending a series on the last day of March.

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