Saturday, June 26, 2021

Cooking mishap.

The last time that I made up a big pot of black beans for black beans and rice, a few of the tomatoes that I had boughten had moldy spots on them, so I cut those out before slicing up the tomatoes and then adding them into the black beans that I was cooking.

Only, twice after that when I was eating, all of a sudden I had a sudden taste of mold in my mouth, and I was like, "Damn," since somehow some mold from one of the tomatoes must have somehow snuck into the pot.

And, I could deal with that, only I hoped that it wouldn't make the beans spoil quicker and ruin the whole pot.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Summer's here!

I knew that last month when I started seeing wet ass moisture marks on the plastic subway seats again.

First there was one where a guy who didn't look too sweaty had satten down, and then like a week later I moved down the car on the day of the (black) laughing guy since a(n annoying) (unmasked) (fat) (younger) (tatted) (light-skinned) (black) medical personnel person woman in scrubs and a surgical mask hanging off her left wrist was starting to watch videos very loud on her smartphone near me, and then when I left there was an ass mark on a seat halfway down the car right next to where I ended up sitting down, only it didn't disappear at all the entire time that I rode the subway, and so I actually half-wondered on and off during my ride if it was a stain from something and that stain just happened to look like a mark from wet ass moisture.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

A neighbor's sighting of an odd person.

Last month, I was sittjng out on the backsteps of my apartment reading since the weather was nice, and I talked a bit with my one (balding) (Irish-American) (late 40s) neighbor who lives in the couch house behind the house where I live in. 

He says he's in a routine and so he isn't going back in to work anytime soon, but his company is starting to pressure newer hires to start coming in to work downtown.

He also said that there's more traffic on the freeways, and the other week him and his girlfriend were going out to the 'burbs, and when they were stopped in traffic, there was this (homeless) guy on the embankment with no shirt on and his pants down and they were all like, "What's up with that?", since you usually never saw anything like that right there where they were.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Odd person on the subway the other day...

...when I was going into work on a Sunday afternoon last month:

 A man's loud, too-hilarious, too-often laughing occurs from the far end of the car on and off for a good ten to twelve minutes, and then you hear a man trying to talk loudly with a woman, and then this (tall) (very dark-skinned) (bearded) (late 30s) (black) guy walks up towards my end of the car there and stands there, then gets off the car at one stop and then gets right back on again right away, and he laughs out loud once at nothing at all, and another time he sings a strand of a song very loudly, to no-one in particular.

Finally, he gets off for good at one stop a few stops later.

A bit later than that, a (fat) (white) (young) (gay-looking) guy gets on the car in too-short shorts and a "VACCINATED AF" shirt, and with a mask that says, "I'M VACCINATED - THIS MASKS' FOR YOU."

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Odd button situation.

Like two months ago the button at the top of my fly on my (green) (plaid) shorts that I wear around my apartment started to get all weird, where it was like the button wasn't holding the top of my shorts together as well it should have been, although the thread on which the button was attached wasn't obviously getting attenuated or coming off!

One day when I was waiting around my apartment for something to be microwaved, then, I started looking at it more closely, and I suddenly realized that the fabric where it was anchored had started to give way and tear up in a little strip, so that was what was making the button have more give than it should have had.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Odd kitchen sight... morning a couple months ago in my kitchen:

 A single piece of popped popcorn sitting on the leftmost edge of that long and weighty handle that opens your oven door for you.

. . .

(I had been popping popcorn the previous night and the single piece of popcorn must have fallen there when I was transferring my popcorn from the pot I'd popped it in into the big glass bowl that I use for eating popcorn, and then I must not have seen it since my oven/stove thing that people sometimes call a "range" is white, and so the popcorn blended in with it if you just glanced and didn't look at it too closely.)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Food stories (3 of 3): Hospital jello.

Last month, my one assisted living client with disabilities was telling me about this one time that she was in the hospital back when she was a teenager, like how she made friends with this one other girl who was in the same room and how they still keep in touch even now (e.g. she's now a grandmother and lives out in the suburbs near the city in which we live in).

Anyhow, back then both of them were joking about how the hospital jello is indestructible, so they started conducting experiments on it.

Like, they left it out on the concrete window sill for 3 days in a row, and even though it was in direct sunlight during the afternoons, it didn't melt and go away at all.

So, they were joking with the girl's dad, and he was like, "I wonder...", and then he picked up the jello and whipped it against the wall, and it hit the wall and it stayed together and it did slide down the wall like half an inch or so, but it otherwise just stayed there, this red blob just stuck onto the wall.

"I think they add protein to it or something," my client was like.