Saturday, April 13, 2019

A missed resident.

The other week I was looking through a publisher's catalog and I came across a book called "The Compleat Motherfucker" that was a history of the use of that word, and it made me think of the one retired psychiatrist whose favorite word it was.

If he was still alive, I totally would have bought it for him.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Another rest home coworker story: Another Ghanaian.

Another one of my (Twi-speaking) Ghanaian coworkers came up to me and a resident when I was escorting her in a wheelchair to the dining hall, and she was like "Hello, honey!" all big and effusively, and the resident smiled a lot and really appreciated the recognition.

Later when I wasn't with the resident, my coworker told me that she discovered that she likes being called "honey" a lot, so she tries to say it to her every time that she sees her.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

A dream of the resthome:

The other week I dreamnt-

I'm in the staff office at the rest home at the one main table we have out, but the whole place is blocked up and drywalled with fresh drying drywall, and the big window that's directly behind the table isn't even there, it's just a wall, and even over in the kitchen area where there's cabinets and the sink and a microwave and a fridge there's no cabinets or anything, just drywall, it's like the same size room and everything and even the jutting out room wall partitions are there, but there's not many features anymore apart from the table that's there like normal, since everything is drywall.

And, the light is gray and really dim, and it's not clear where it's coming from.

I'm sitting at the table not doing much of anything except nursing a little carton of prune juice like the ones we hand out to the residents, and then I start thinking that I shouldn't be just sitting in there and killing time and inhaling all those fumes.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Another idea of mine.

Or rather, something that I present to people as an idea.

"I have a great idea," I'm like. "It's like Uber, but for handjobs."

I then tell them that sex work legalization is coming, and we have to plan ahead.

Once, someone asked me if there'd be a Pool option.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Idea of mine.

At a staff raffle like half a year ago, I had won a giftcard for a grocery store chain that's not really near my house, but is near the apartment of my one (half Sudanese) (half British) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair, the one who has just had a baby).

Since she's donating used puzzles to the rest home and since that particular grocery store has a lot of prepared foods and since she's going back to work soon, I texted her that the next time that we get together and she hands off the puzzles to me to take into work, that I should use the giftcard to buy her and her partner and me dinner and whatnot, since it would be fun and it would take some pressure off of them as they're adjusting to a new baby, and since it would also be fitting since the giftcard comes from the very same resthome that she's donating the puzzles to.

She liked that idea by text, and so we're planning on it, the next time we meet up.

Monday, April 8, 2019

A sight of spring.

The other week when I left my apartment on my bike to go bike to the subway stop to go into work, the sky was blue and the air was only just a bit warmer than normal but so fresh, and I knew it was spring.

Then, I get to the subway stop and the bikeracks are full again, and I know that it really is spring, people are out biking again, or at least biking to the subway stop to go wherever they have to go.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Apartment cleaning find:

A Crackerjack prize packet that I had been using as a bookmark.