Saturday, January 11, 2020

Other people last month on the subway:

After I get off of work from the resthome one night, a few stops down there’s all these (fat) (late middle-aged) (white) guys with beards and (southern) accents that get on the car, and they’re loud and boisterous and probably drunk and as we get towards downtown, one of them loudly farts an awful fart and the car starts smelling and one of them jumps up and starts waving his one hand back-and-forth like to clear the smell and he moves towards the door for some air while saying something loud and boisterous, and I shoot them a withering stare and the one across the car from me who farted gets all embarrassed and looks down and won’t meet my gaze and mumbles something that sounds kind of like an apology.

Then, a bit later, they get off at a stop in downtown, after earlier bits of conversations mentioning something about the hotels that they’re staying at.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Another person on the subway the other day:

A (slim) (older) (black) guy in a black coat and black pants with sunglasses on, standing near the door down the car and hanging onto a strap and rapping to himself, maybe off of something that he was listening to, since he had some kind of earbuds in with cords going downwards from his ears, I could see.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A person the other day on the subway:

A (squat) (older middle-aged) (black) guy sitting down across the car from me with a red fez on and a brown jacket on over an orange vest with some kind of shirt beneath it, and on his lapel was a button with an old-timey stylized “7” on it and a very crisp thin border around its edge.

After a few stops, he pulled out a greasy half-eaten brown bag with cold popcorn in it, and he began to eat from that, mostly keeping his mouth closed as he chewed.