Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus (7 of 7): Paranoia.

The other week at the resthome, I was talking with my one (cool) (Muslim) (Ethiopian) coworker and my one (free-thinking) (Ethiopian) coworker.

They both think that coronavirus is coming, bad.

I said that I was always feeling my glands and wondering about every cough and sniffle, and my one (cool) (Muslim) (Ethiopian) coworker said that she was too, like the exact same way.

"You get, you get," my one (free-thinking) (Ethiopian) coworker was like, looking up from a form that she was filling out and then looking back down again, just all normal as could be.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coronavirus (6 of 7): Coworker worry.

My one (cool) (Muslim) (Ethiopian) coworker said that she's really worried about coronavirus.

I said that it's important to wash her hands and keep away from people, so she should divorce her husband.

At that, she laughed.

"No, never!", she was like.

I also said that if anyone coughs, she can just raise her veil up and cover her mouth and nose and defend them.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Coronavirus (5 of 5): Mock anger.

The other week, I was telling the one resthome resident with a gruff voice that I had stocked up on groceries and I had also gotten more toilet paper and a new handle of whiskey, since I had been running out of them.

"You can have me over," she was like.

"It's only enough in an emergency for one," I was like, and at that she flung her leg out and stood like she was mad, her hands on her hips.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus (4 of 5): Staff meeting.

The other week, we had a staff meeting at work, and I couldn't go to the first one, so I ended up going to the second meeting, a make-up one, where there weren't that many people at.

We were all kind of here and there in the room, and right before the meeting started while we were still waiting a bit to see if anyone else would arrive, I began eating a banana.

"Have-a, banana, have-a, banana," the resthome director started singing at me out of nowhere, to the tune of the Hava Nagilah (sp.?).

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Coronavirus (3 of 5): Stocking up on food.

The other week, I was at my local grocery store in order to buy like a month's worth of food.

Out of nowhere, this (older) (black) lady without glasses who I had just passed is like, "You are a handsome man," and she reaches out and touches my right shoulder.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus (2 of 5): Another coworker.

The other week, I can't remember why, but I was talking with the one new kitchen worker from (Togo) and I mentioned the coronavirus.

"It is up to God," she was like.  "What He decide, He decide."

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus (1 of 5): A coworker.

The other week, my one (older) (Tibetan) coworker was eating during her break, rice and some curry, which she was eating with her hands and a piece of bread.

"You should eat with a fork," I was like, "You can get sick."

She just looked at me blankly, then shook her head.