Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (23 of 63): Our Family Coffee.

I bought this coffee can in Mount Vernon, Iowa, when I was in Iowa for my Iowa spring break, which I still haven't blogged about:

Again, it's a generic-type store brand, only it's a generic-type store brand for some store chain that's native to Iowa!

Friday, July 25, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (22 of 63): Safeway French Roast.

This is another of my store-brand coffee cans:

If I'm buying a store brand, or any brand where there's a selection of roasts, I always go for the French roast or the dark roast, since I like my coffee black.

Overall, I try to avoid buying the same brand just to have cans of different roasts of coffee - I feel that would be overkill for my collection, though I'm not dogmatic about it.

I remember how I bought this can last 4th of July at a Safeway in a northern suburb, where I was shopping with a couple friends before heading to one of them's parents for dinner and then fireworks at a local park. It was good times.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (21 of 63): Cafe Goya.

To me, this Cafe Goya can is unremarkable:

Latino colors, which I like, but otherwise nothing special.

Also, I'm not sure if this makes me disappointed in Goya brands, or is expected.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (20 of 63): Mama Ines.

This is the sole coffee can in my collection that comes from the Dominican Republic:

I like how it comes in dark brown colors, since all the Puerto Ricans tend to say that all the Dominicans are dark brown and they shit on them for it.

I also wonder if the lady on their is kind of like the Aunt Jemima of the Dominican Republic or something.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (19 of 63): Cafe du Monde.

This is the original Cafe du Monde coffee can:

I still wonder if they decided to package and sell this shit before or after French Market Coffee and Chicory came out.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (18 of 63): Cafe Oquendo.

I very much enjoy this can as well:

First, I like how it mixes up the Latin color scheme with orange.

Second, I like how it's kind of like "Cafe Loquendo", and 'loquendo' would be like a Latin particple for "talking", and I like to talk.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (17 of 63): Guglielmo.

To me, this is the quintessential Italian coffee can, and I'm so glad I have it:

I tend to like modern design, and this coffee can gives me great joy every time I look at it.