Saturday, November 11, 2017

Some Jewish wisdom someone put on Facebook.

Someone I know who studies Judaism put up on Facebook that she came across some Jewish wisdom, to consider each habit and only retain those that you'd take a vow to do.

She said that she realized that social media was a chain, and she would never vow to become attached to it like she has become.

In the comments section, everyone went nuts, since they liked both the wisdom and her application of it.

It's made me think twice, about how much I'm on Facebook and Twitter.

Friday, November 10, 2017

My big idea for my campaign.

So, since it's permissible to take up to $250 in a cash donation, and since a receipt from a receipt book would count as a transaction record, I'm going to have to get a receipt book and always carry it with me in my back pocket.

That way if I bump into someone and they have some cash on them and they want to pledge me, I can whip it out, write down the necessary info, have them sign/date the receipt with the listed amount, and take the cash right then and there, one-two-three lickety-split, all neat and clean and legal.

That'll really help me with small donors, I think.

It'll also be fun.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Two jokes, with one of my (half British) (half Sudanese) friends.

The other week I met my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair) for drinks downtown, during a weekday happy hour.

She was telling me about her day in court, and then she made a side observation that a lot of people think she's always the bad guy in cases for the city, and that she's just out to fine people.

"That's too bad," I was like.

Then, I was like, "Next time someone says that, you should be all like, 'Fine? FINE?! Yes I am but no I don't!!" (*snapsnapsnap*).

She liked that.

I also joked what a high-powered fearsome lawyer she was becoming, after my knowing her back in the day when she was living in a studio and going to law school and then studying for the bar.

So, I put on a dramatic TV reading voice and was all like, "Ms. [her first name] [her last name], Esquire.  If you see her in court, she'll have you for dinner.  Actually, she'll have you for tea, you're not even a full meal to her..."

"I quite like that," she was like.  "Do you mind if I steal it?"

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Post-concert uber-waiting.

The other month after a stadium concert in the 'burbs, me and a friend were waiting in the Uber line, and we had talked with this (white) (middle-aged wife and older husband) couple from Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and we had all agreed to split a ride back downtown, so we were all waiting there, amidst this line of people all waiting for Ubers and taxis and whatnot, so they could get back to wherever they were going.

Right before our ride got there, this (young) (blonde) (white) guy was chit-chatting to the U.P. wife, as she was sitting by the curb.

He seemed really drunk, and she kept laughing.

Once we were in the Uber, she started talking about how drunk that guy was.

"That woman there was his mom," she was like, "And he kept being like, 'This is my mom, she's seventy-one but has nice tits, she should use them to get us a ride.  Mom, open up and let 'em fly!'".

She also said that the other woman was his fiancée.

"Poor thing," she was like.  "They've been engaged four years.  He says, 'I believe in engagement, I don't believe in marriage, I get sex that way!'".

The U.P. wife thought he was the funniest thing in the world.

"Where's he from?", I was like.

"Canada," she said.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Neighborhood hijinks.

The other week at a community meeting, I was talking with a (middle-aged) (redheaded) woman who lives near the library, since she happened to be sitting next to me.

"You mean on that side street by the fountain?", I was like.  "I like that street a lot!  I always used to walk down it back in the day when I had my other apartment, since it's right on my route to the library."

"Yeah," she was like. "It's great, though sometimes the drunk men can be a lot."

"Really?", I was like.  "I've chitchatted with them a few times, they seem nice."

"They are," she was like, "But then they go and pull shit like throwing detergent in the fountain so it bubbles."

"I've never seen that," I was like.

At that, she was surprised.

"That's odd," she was like.  "They do it a lot."

Monday, November 6, 2017

On Detroit (3 of 3): Out in the neighborhoods.

The last thing about Detroit is, is that out in the neighborhoods, it's not just that there's so many empty lots, but also that there's lots of big trees and mounds of bushes and vines, so it's really more like the countryside, with a house here and there and much greenery in between.

It's just become a new type of landscape, one that you don't expect and that I'm not sure you really see anywhere else.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

On Detroit (2 of 3): Downtown, and elsewhere.

The thing about Detroit is that the city center is just popping and vibrant, renovations everywhere.

Then, there might be some in-between strips.

Then, it's just out in the vacant land of the neighborhoods, just five minutes away from downtown.

It's like another planet.

It's really like, tourists and nice apartments there downtown, and then there's everyone else, and some of them might come in to do raunchy clubbing in the evenings, but they don't really live there and they don't really belong there.

How weird.