Thursday, November 9, 2017

Two jokes, with one of my (half British) (half Sudanese) friends.

The other week I met my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair) for drinks downtown, during a weekday happy hour.

She was telling me about her day in court, and then she made a side observation that a lot of people think she's always the bad guy in cases for the city, and that she's just out to fine people.

"That's too bad," I was like.

Then, I was like, "Next time someone says that, you should be all like, 'Fine? FINE?! Yes I am but no I don't!!" (*snapsnapsnap*).

She liked that.

I also joked what a high-powered fearsome lawyer she was becoming, after my knowing her back in the day when she was living in a studio and going to law school and then studying for the bar.

So, I put on a dramatic TV reading voice and was all like, "Ms. [her first name] [her last name], Esquire.  If you see her in court, she'll have you for dinner.  Actually, she'll have you for tea, you're not even a full meal to her..."

"I quite like that," she was like.  "Do you mind if I steal it?"

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