Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Neighborhood hijinks.

The other week at a community meeting, I was talking with a (middle-aged) (redheaded) woman who lives near the library, since she happened to be sitting next to me.

"You mean on that side street by the fountain?", I was like.  "I like that street a lot!  I always used to walk down it back in the day when I had my other apartment, since it's right on my route to the library."

"Yeah," she was like. "It's great, though sometimes the drunk men can be a lot."

"Really?", I was like.  "I've chitchatted with them a few times, they seem nice."

"They are," she was like, "But then they go and pull shit like throwing detergent in the fountain so it bubbles."

"I've never seen that," I was like.

At that, she was surprised.

"That's odd," she was like.  "They do it a lot."

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