Saturday, December 19, 2020

Self haircut (1 of 2): Unexpected aftermath.

On Election Day I gave myself a short haircut so that I don't have to bother with my hair for a while, and since there's no way in heck I'm going back to a barber shop any time soon, what with the Covid spike and all.

I had mostly done it in front of my bathroom mirror with my beard trimmer, but I also at one point went into my bedroom to try to do a little bit of final careful trimming, since it seemed uneven in places and my closet mirrors are bigger and the light was better in there.

Like a week later, I was in my bedroom and I noticed what seemed like a small clump of dried grass on the floor, but when I went down to pick it up, I realized that it was a small flat heap of some hair from my head, and the brownish color made it look like dried grass.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Resthome quips: Elevator, complaining, hat.

At the resthome where I work, I usually assist this one retired engineer to get back to his room, whenever he comes back home after dialysis.

He has a very quippy one-liner sense of humor, too.

The other week, one of the 2 elevators in the lobby was out and it was taking forever for the one that was still working to come, so he was like, "What is this, the local?"

And like right when he said that, it finally came, so he was like, "And that's why you complain, it makes stuff happen."

Like a few minutes later when we finally got back to his room, too, I helped him take his coat off, and when I asked him for his hat so that I could hang it up in his hall closet, he was like, "No, leave it on, it covers up how I don't have any hair."

Usually he makes maybe one joke or two at most, but that day he was in quite the peppy mood.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Greetings at the resthome.

Like last Friday at the resthome, I delivered dinner to the one resident who always gives me candy.

And, I wished her a happy Friday, a "Shabbat Shalom," a "Happy Hannukah," a good weekend, and last but not least, a happy upcoming Biden presidency.

"Boy!", she was like, laughing, "You got 'em all covered!"

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Thanksgiving story.

My one (white) (townie) coworker at the resthome said that her and her (Ecuadorian-American) husband are for safety's sake keeping their distance from her mother-in-law even though she lives upstairs from them, so on Thanksgiving she bundled up some food and left it on the back steps and called her to come and get it.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Thanksgiving aftermath: Broth project.

I always keep vegetable scraps in my freezer until I have enough to make broth, and sometimes chicken bones, too, if I have any left over from staff meals at the resthome.

So, after Thanksgiving, I fired the turkey carcass in a big Ziploc bag that my one assisted living client with disabilities gave me - it just fit! - and then I took it home and I put it in the freezer next to my tupperware containers of vegetable scraps, to keep it until I was finally ready to cook up some broth.

This week, I finally boiled it all down, to make this very rich broth, and since I had enough scraps, I actually swapped out the water in my small stew pot like 3 more times so that I had 4 batches of broth to make up some simple cabbage broth stuff in my big stew pot, so I'd have it to pour over rice as a huge tasty series of meals.

Interestingly, I had boughten this (Chinese) or (Asian) cabbage or some such at my local supermarket last month since it was on sale and it was a lot cheaper than the normal cabbage I'd get, and after I cooked it up, I totally realized that it's the kind of cabbage that you get like at (Chinese) restaurants in your (Chinese) food that you order.

And it's been sitting there at my grocery store all this time!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Laconic joke variation.

With the one really chill but fairly non-communication resident at the resthome where I work, the other month I asked her if she wanted to go up to the rooftop patio.

"No," she was like, "I'll jump off."

I didn't quite know what to say to that at first.

Then, I was like, "That's dark."

"Yes," she was like, "It is dark."

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Cute cat quirk.

Last month I brought in medication to my one assisted living client with disabilities so she got her medication on time, and when she went to go open the bottle and had just unscrewed the lid, her cat appeared and leaned up on the bed looking expectantly at her.

The cat thinks the plastic pill bottle getting unscrewed sounds like the plastic cat treat jar getting unscrewed!

"No way," I was like, and my one assisted living client with disabilities was like, "Yeah, she does that sometimes."