Saturday, September 11, 2021

Text exchange with my landlord last month...

...where he said -

Hey, just a heads up we are getting a new tenant in the back house first floor. His name is [removed]. He'll be moving in September.

- to which I replied -

Ok thanks. FYI if he's obnoxious I'll throw rotten tomatoes at him whenever he walks by. J/k.

- to which he replied -

Do it anonymously and i wont know or say a thing

. . .

Friday, September 10, 2021

Grocery mishap.

Last month I went mega-grocery shopping for the first time in like 7 weeks - I space out my grocery shopping to minimize trips because of the pandemic, and only a few times I'd popped into a small store to pick up some quartered watermelons to tide me over until my next trip - and after I packed up my mid-size stand-up grocery cart like a "tank" of groceries and I wheeled it home, I parked it outside of my front door and began ferrying a few things in, until it was light enough to the point where I could gingerly ease it up the front steps and over my front door threshold.

And, as I was walking with a couple of cardboard cylinders of oats under my arms and some other stuff in my hands, I was almost to my kitchen when I noticed like a soft gentle hissing sound, and I turn around to put the oats down, and I see like a few oats flutter onto my kitchen counter, and all of a sudden I notice that I had squeezed one of the cylinders too hard and the bottom had popped out a bit, and a trail of oats was spread here and there coming in from my front door and across my living room and into the kitchen where I was.

And, I had to go back and sweep them all up.

Luckily, I didn't lose too many.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Body changes.

One afternoon last month I was sitting in my living room reading a book, and the way the sun was, I noticed that the hair on my knuckles had gotten extraordinarily long, like up to almost a half inch or so, which is much longer than I've ever seen it before.

So, I got a pair of big scissors that were nearby, and I clipped those hairs down short.

What can I say, my body is changing.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Resthome confusion:

Last month at the resthome when I was at the entry checkpoint where people have to take their own temperature and log it into a computer, I was at the employee identification part where you have to enter your phone number, only I wasn't thinking and I started typing something in, then all of a sudden I realized that I couldn't somehow enter enough numbers in to fill up all of the spaces, and so I looked and I had entered 3 digits that weren't the beginning of my phone number, and it took me like ten seconds to realize that those were the first 3 digits of my 4 digit PIN number that I had to enter in on like the next screen, but my mind must have just gone on autopilot and blipped ahead without me really thinking about it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Levity for the celebration of a new year.

Since it's the (Jewish) new year, and there's the tradition of starting your year with honey and apples to make it sweet, my line at the resthome this week to some of the residents and to some of my coworkers has been, "I don't need any honey and apples, because I have you."

Monday, September 6, 2021

Cleaning up my life: Getting rid of books.

One of my big ongoing projects has been to clean my apartment top-to-bottom, mainly to go through some old files that I don't need anymore and create a new filing system for ongoing writing projects, but also just to prune down wherever I can.

I had already done this a few years ago with books, but I noticed that a few small shelves seemed less and less necessary, and a few scattered books elsewhere did too, and so I decided to take 20 minutes and look through everything once again.

And, there was a number of weird little religious books that I had picked up here and there or had been given that I liked the look of and were kind of quirky to have on my shelves, but they were more to have for appearances than to really use for anything ever. A few were from travels, too, like some books on spirit possession that I had picked up years ago on a trip to (West Africa).

I did have a moment of hesitancy, but ultimately I decided to stock them in Free Little Libraries to set off into the world. They have such a wonderful randomness about them, and I like the idea of that energy being loosed and set out there in ways that I'll never really know what came of it.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Two sights leaving the resthome this summer:

1) In a fenced-off dining patio on the sidewalk, a (homeless) person had rolled out a sleeping bag under some tables and was lying there on the ground, with head against the mini-fence and feet towards the entrance.

2) On a different night across the street at a different sidewalk dining patio, another (homeless) person had pushed five chairs together, two sets of two facing each other and one facing in at the top, and he laid on that to keep himself off the ground as he slept.