Saturday, February 23, 2019


I forgot to take time to post earlier today.

I'll try to do better tomorrow!

Friday, February 22, 2019

A woman on the bus the other day.

The other day I was sitting down on the bus, and as I was sitting down, I noticed that this (middle-aged) (black) woman behind me had just furtively snucken something out of a bag that she had carefully put into an open-top canvas satchel next to her on her seat.

You couldn't tell what was in there, but there was a half-gnawed chicken wing with clumps of meat and breading still on it, just out on top of the satchel sitting right out on top of the cloth.

I guess she was trying to secretly eat chicken wings?

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Another dream of my campaign.

The other week I dreamnt -

It's dark out and I'm walking on a sidewalk in a business area in the north part of my district, and all of a sudden there's like two or three people walking around handing out flyers to everyone in anticipation of my opponent coming around, and then there he is, pumping the flesh with passers-by.

I duck into the alcove of a double door where one of his staffers is and we begin talking about his shady business deals that he does, but she tries to pretend like nothing is wrong.

. . .

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A dream of my campaign.

The other week I dreamnt-

I'm walking by the house on the corner a few houses north of my house, and I see my new black-and-white home-printed flier tucked in behind the mailbox.

I'm confused because I hadn't put it there, and then I wonder if my Field Director did that, and I think that I'll have to talk to her about which fliers to use where and when.

. . .

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

(Live blogging reveal.)

(Yesterday and today I actually have written and published these posts at the same time, rather than writing them up and scheduling them like 3-4 weeks ahead of time. I have a list of blog post topics that I do want to write about, but because of the campaign, I just haven't had the time to go and write them up.)

Monday, February 18, 2019

Campaign madness.

Even though I took a few weeks off of work, it's pretty insane how much time my campaign is taking up.

The other night I spent over an hour lying on my couch on my smartphone going through eighty unread emails in my email inbox.

I can't remember the last time that happened.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Unexpected campaign beauty

When I was in high school, we took a class trip to the city that I now live in and it was my first time there, and I remember going up the highway and looking at these big apartment buildings looming over on each side of the highway
Now, I’ve mailed literature and greetings to people in those same buildings, as part of my campaign.  

I bet some of the same people who were living there then, too, are getting my literature and greetings now.

One greeting is even tied into an ethnic holiday, with two languages on it.

To think that I didn’t know them then, but I’m reaching out to those same people now, and a lot of us don’t even speak the same language and I had to go and learn about their culture and even get some stuff translated into it so that I could speak to them, these people in these anonymous apartment buildings that are over by the highway, it’s just beautiful.

It really just is beautiful, where life can take you.  Younger me would have no idea that I’d ever be doing what I’m doing now.