Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sight exiting the subway the night before the other afternoon:

I'm walking up the steps from my local subway stop to street level as I'm on my way home from work, and I see something flicker around the metal steps that have gaps underneath each step, and then it happens again and I look closer at what's now on top of the step, and it's a mouse.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Sight exiting the subway the other afternoon:

As I'm in my scrubs and am walking out through the turnstile on my way to work and am eating a banana, there's one other guy in the station lobby, and he had just walked through the station door and was walking towards me and he was also eating a banana.

We both looked each other in the eye for a second,  as we were both chewing.

He was like white and in his 50s and he was that kind of fat gray bald guy with glasses, and his clothes were not too shabby, and his shirt flannel.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Trip to Michigan (4 of 4): Train station farewell.

When I was waiting at the train station with my mom when I was going back, we were near the sliding glass doors that opened up onto the platform, and this (older) (black) lady was near us in a tasteful black hat and a fur-collared brown coat.

"Oooh!", my mom was like, when the doors slid open and some cold came inside, "It's getting so cold out."

"And the sad part is," the (older) (black) lady was like, "It's not even that cold yet."

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Trip to Michigan (3 of 4): Chili on chili fries.

At the one hamburger place near the train station, I remarked how much I liked the chili fries, and the counterwoman said it was a frozen chili sauce that you could get now at different supermarkets if you knew where to look.

And, she went back in the back and pulled out a five pound tube and came back out with it, to show me what it looked like.

"Beef hearts," I was like, reading the ingredients.

"I know," she was like, shivering, "Yuck."

But then, she was like, "But it tastes so good."

I then told her that years and years ago that I had read that that was the secret ingredient in the chili sauce, but I wasn't sure whether to believe it or not.

"It is," she was like.  "I try not to think about it."

Later, at the nearby supermarket where I picked up a couple of the small tubes, this (old) (blonde) (pale) (blank faced) lady who worked there saw me getting the last two tubes from the fridge rack and without me inviting any sort of interaction with her she raised her finger and pointed to them and called out to me and was like, "That stuff is good."

"I know," I was like, and I explained to her that I was bringing them back to the city I live in so I can have them ready for people as presents.

She didn't say much to that, so I was like, "Because wouldn't that be an awesome present?".

"Yeah," she was like, nodding, all pale and blank faced.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Trip to Michigan (2 of 4): Bankteller.

Back in Michigan, my mom ran a banking errand for my uncle.

She told him that the teller was asking after him, since she hadn't seen him for a while.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Trip to Michigan (1 of 4): Creaky door.

So, I recently went to Michigan to see my uncle and my mom.

At my uncle's house, the door to my room was super super creaky, and I hated opening it at night since the house was otherwise dead quiet and the noise might wake up my uncle and my mom.

So, I pissed into my empty coffee thermos, rather than get up at night to go use the bathroom.

Basically, I'd unscrew it, put my dick in, and pee down the inside side so it didn't make too much noise, and then I'd cap my thermos back up and get back to reading my book or going to bed or whatever.

Before I left to head back, I dumped it out in the bathroom, then once I got back, I poured boiling water into it to sterilize it and clean it before I used it for coffee again.

It wasn't ideal, but it worked.  And yes, it's a little gross, but it's been sterilized now and you can't taste anything, so so what.

What would you want me to do, disturb people?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Confession of a Neighbor.

I forgot -

A few months ago, I was coming home from work and ran into a neighbor of mine who's an optometrist, and we ended up going out for drinks and then tacos and then hanging out in her backyard until like 4am listening to music.

When we were in her backyard, at one point she told me that she used to listen over and over again to Madonna's "Erotica" album back when she was going through puberty, and not only that, but she used to masturbate to the title song.

"That's weird," I was like.

"No it's not," she was like.  "At that age, anything with sex makes you horny."