Monday, November 4, 2019

Trip to Michigan (1 of 4): Creaky door.

So, I recently went to Michigan to see my uncle and my mom.

At my uncle's house, the door to my room was super super creaky, and I hated opening it at night since the house was otherwise dead quiet and the noise might wake up my uncle and my mom.

So, I pissed into my empty coffee thermos, rather than get up at night to go use the bathroom.

Basically, I'd unscrew it, put my dick in, and pee down the inside side so it didn't make too much noise, and then I'd cap my thermos back up and get back to reading my book or going to bed or whatever.

Before I left to head back, I dumped it out in the bathroom, then once I got back, I poured boiling water into it to sterilize it and clean it before I used it for coffee again.

It wasn't ideal, but it worked.  And yes, it's a little gross, but it's been sterilized now and you can't taste anything, so so what.

What would you want me to do, disturb people?

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