Friday, February 22, 2008

Party-crashing tonight.

Tonight is the Classics Department annual "Martini Party". I've heard of it, but have never been; I guess one prof infamously thinks she can hold her liquor but can't (this is the one in her 70s who wears short skirts, high boots, and has an ass you can crack an egg on, and who swims all summer all the way out to distant buoys even when there's six-foot waves, and who I think has mild Asperger's but is a hoot to be with anyways); and two years ago they had to break up a fight between this one guy who was drunk, and another guy who was sleeping. I'm a little iffy about getting in... My one friend in Classics invited me, but she and her husband aren't necessarily coming, and I've invited two other friends along. I guess we'll see how this goes, though...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Great Quote about Black Conservatives.

Someone was telling me yesterday (tried googling to confirm, couldn't find shit) that the first woman member of the Black Panthers had something like this to say about black conservatives:

"My problem isn't that black people are conservative, what I can't understand, is what do black people have that they have to conserve?"

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2 Dreams and My Shit.

Last night I dreamed that I was in a long narrow tunnel that was set up like those airport walkways where you have an escalator embedded in the floor, only there was like six inches each side of the escalator path, so you couldn't walk beside it, so me and all the other people were standing on the escalator and moving along, and there these tvs high up on the wall playing the music video to "Come On Eileen", only I looked forward a bit and saw the escalator going around a corner, so when I looked up again, I missed the part in the video where "Poor old Johnny Ray..." is written on the screen, my favorite part.

Later I dreamed that my weird neighbor who I know from another, closely-related department and who I've talked with several times but still never says hi when I pass him in our building's tiny foyer (once when he was just ahead of me going out the door, too, he just let the door slam in my face! - what an odd person he is) was confiding in me that the landlords didn't renew his lease at the end of the summer, so he was thinking of finding someplace right away and actually packing up and moving out secretly on the weekend. I was thinking when he was saying this that the landlords hadn't asked me to renew the lease either, but somehow it didn't worry me since I knew in the dream that they liked me, though lease-renewal time was impending.

This morning, some shit almost blew out my ass when I farted, when I was drinking coffee at the table and translating Greek. It was that wet kind, too, where it's solid clumps marinating in liquid when you have a nice beef stew that's just thick enough to serve on a plate and the chunks of meat are just falling apart in the broth on your plate. If it had crept out, it would have been nasty as all fuck get out to clean up.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Deep sea animal footage -- I eat that shit up.

If there's one Yahoo! news article link I always click on, it's the one where there's pictures or footage of some strange newly-discovered shit they discovered living on the bottom of the sea. For some reason, I eat that shit up.

I got trumped.

Sometimes I text when I'm pissing - you can do it with one hand, while your other hand holds your dick and makes sure you piss straight - but yesterday when I was at a urinal in the movie theater bathroom after a show let out, the guy next to me totally trumped me - with his free hand, he single-handedly unwrapped a piece of gum and started chewing it, while was pissing.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Evangelicals on the content of spirit revelations.

I was reading this one anti-cult book from the 70s by an evangelical, and it quoted another anti-cult book from the 70s by an evangelical, and it said that the content of spirit revelations to people are infallibly about the afterlife and lead away from biblical notions of sin, final judgment, heaven, and hell -- that is, the book implied that spirit revelations are by evil spirits, and they try to trap us into thinking that heaven and hell are nothing like what Christians usually think, and so they make us complacent in our sins and thereby trap us into hell.

White guys in shorts when it's cold out.

This one Mexican student told me that when it's really cold out and you see an undergrad walking around campus, it's always some white guy, and never a hispanic or black. I think he's right.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

International potpourri...!

In Senegal if you compliment babies, you can't say nice things since it draws the attention of evil spirits who might then harm the baby, so the trick is to go up to a cute baby and in a fawning voice be like, "What an ugly baby, won't she have a hard time finding a husband!", to ward off the evil spirits with the words, while the tone tells the mom that you actually find the baby really cute.

A couple centuries ago, the big anti-Irish slur by the British was "the Irish who can't blush" -- i.e., you couldn't see them blush through because of the amount of dirt that's constantly caked all over them and their unwashed faces.

An Indian guy was telling me that before companies started selling smaller-sized condoms because of demand from the Japanese, in some regions of India you'd get a rubberband with your condoms if you bought them at the pharmacy, because some Indian teens from small-dicked ethnicities had started using them so they wouldn't fall off in sex, and then the practice got formalized on the buying-end of things.