Saturday, February 6, 2021

Resthome show-and-tell.

The other week at the resthome, this one nice (widow) beckoned me over, and showed me a video on her smartphone.

It was some video that was going around in Germany, of a rabbit getting up on its hind legs and nibbling the nose off of a small snowman.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Immunization (3 of 3): Afterwards.

After the immunization, everyone was in a good mood.

I asked my one (skeptical) (Mexican) coworker how you say "immune" in Spanish, and she said "inmune," but I misheard her at first and kept saying "imune" until finally she was like, "You're saying it wrong, my accent in English is not so good, but you say it wrong and it sounds bad, it's -n-, in-mune, in-mune."

"Okay," I was like, "inmune, inmune."

"That's good," she was like.

Then, the rest of the shift, I'd see her and be like, "Hola, inmune," or "Adios, inmune."

"[my first name], don't drive me more crazy than I already am!", she was like, after I did this a few times.

She also said that the way that I said the phrase it had this funny attitude behind it, like I was a cool kid in high school teasing a girl.

Later, I was finishing up helping a resident and was saying good night and about to step out the door, and my one (Tibetan) coworker with an inappropriate sense of humor was coming down the hall and held the door shut from the outside so I couldn't open it.

She's never done that before.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Immunization (2 of 3): Immunization.

Immunization day at the resthome was very festive.

Everything was done in the social hall at different times for different classes of people over the course of the day, with 2 check-in desks at the entrance, and 4 tables set up in the middle where people were giving out the vaccine, and then chairs set up over 6 feet apart at the far end of the hall, where people could wait and be observed for adverse reactions for like 15 minutes right after they got the first dose.

(A staffer was waiting there and would look at their watch and write down the time they could leave on a nametag sticker, and then stick it on everyone who came to sit down.)

There were balloons out, too, and residents lit up and waved to each other across the various distances where they were.

"Why am I here?", one resident with bad memory asked me after I escorted her to go sit down for observation.

"Because you got a vaccine dose and we need to watch you for fifteen minutes, in case of side-effects," I was like.

"What kind of side effects?", she was like.

"Fainting, shortness of breath...", I began.

"Oh," she was like.

"...turning into a pumpkin," I finished.

"Ha ha," she was like, and she looked up at me and just kept smiling in this big way.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Immunization (1 of 3): Lead-up.

In the lead-up to the first Covid immunization dose at the resthome, it was surprising how many people were deciding not to take the vaccine.

Most of them were (West African), too; some of the (Filipinos) seemed skeptical at first, but they mostly all came around, in a way that the (West Africans) didn't.

"I have Jesus in my blood," said one (Nigerian) woman who works nightshift.

Another (older) (heavier set) (Nigerian) nightshift worker, too, told the (older) (white) (townie) frontdesk worker that it's fine with Covid, if you get it you drink a tea made with lemon and ginger, no problem, that's what all her friends back home say.

"Really?",  the frontdesk worker was like to her, she said. "Are you telling me that, that you're smarter than all the scientists, and that's all you have to do? If so, you're dumb, because you could be a millionaire."

Later, I told that same (older) (heavier set) (Nigerian) nightshift worker the various reasons why the vaccine makes sense and why it's less dangerous than the alternative, and I added in that no offense, but to be perfectly frank, she should recognize that she's in an increased risk group for severe illness and death, because she's overweight.

"Overweight?", she was like. "No, I am obese, and I am not going to lose weight for Covid."

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Recent snowstorm.

The recent snowstorm has been fun.

All the first night that it was happening, I kept my blinds open and sat for a lot of time in my armchair near my front windows, to keep being able to watch the snow coming down all night long.

The next morning, too, I was a bit shocked about how much snow was mounded up on the ledge outside my front window!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Resthome happenings (2 of 2): Sore toe.

A few weeks ago at the resthome, I was helping this one placid resident to take off her shoes, since she can't bend down too good.

"Be careful," she was like, "My toe is sore."

"Okay," I was like, and then I was like, "I hope it's not from kicking aides in the face!"

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Resthome happenings (1 of 2): Nice looking hair.

A few weeks ago at the resthome, I was starting my shift and I was working with my one (Thai) coworker and her hair was looking really good, so I told her that.

"Did you get a haircut?", I was like.

"No," she was like, and started giggling to herself. "I didn't wash it!"