Saturday, August 20, 2022

Shit mystery.

Like a few weeks ago, I was taking my regular shit that I take when I wake up, and immediately when I had it, I thought, "Oh, that's a good one."

And, when I looked, it was like this gigantic firm mound sitting right in the middle of the toilet, like the top 40% of a shit football or something like that, if you cut a football right above the pointed ends and then put it in a toilet, so that it mounds way up above the water.

Weirdly, too, it wasn't coils or anything like that, but neither was it liquidy, like I had just shit out successive squirts and they had mounded up one on top of the other like paper mache, or like layers of plaster that you sometimes find during the demolition of historic buildings. Instead, it was just like this big mound that had fallen straight from my ass, though of course it was much much too large to come out of someone's asshole.

Oddly, too, the only thing different that I had eaten lately was a take-out club sandwich, and mentally I just couldn't figure out how you'd get from one to the other, from that sandwich to that shit I was looking at.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Vegetable occurrences.

The local farmers' market closes on the early side, and between that and my defaulting to the sleep schedule that I had with my second shift job for a number of years, I've started tending to pop in right before they close, when some stuff is already sold out and some booths are closing, but on the other hand sometimes people lower prices and give you stuff just to get rid of it.

Like, the other week a classic rock-looking (mid-50s) (white) couple in sleeveless black tops gave me like five cucumbers that were on the smaller side and a little misshapen for a dollar, just to get rid of them.

And, with the corn truck, though they gave me a lower price for like a half dozen cobs than they had been selling at, they threw like four or five extra cobs at me, to the point where I took three of them over to my friends' aunt's 80th birthday party here, as like a corn garnish for the main gift that I had brought her!

At one point, I also bought three banana peppers, though, oddly, when I went to unpack them, there were only two.

I have no idea where that third one disappeared to; it was no-where in the sacks that I had brought with me, as my reusable cloth sacks to take vegetables home in.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Blogging tidbits...

 ...from an old list where I kept ideas and some notes were too short:

 - Gemuted/sickened [?]

- communes [related to my night out on the day that Roe v. Wade was overturned; I had talked to the one bartender about how in Rolling Stone some rap guy was saying everyone was dropping out and moving to the country, and I mentioned that we are living in an era in which communes make sense again]

- ye[a?]h we can be depends dry sec[urity] clau[se?]es [?]

- Har[ol?]ds lunch [?]

- "sounds cool" young poly woman [???]

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Ambient noise (2 of 2): Groan.

A few weeks ago in the middle of the afternoon when I was in my kitchen in my little back alley cottage, I heard a loud man's voice give a sudden groan from somewhere over towards the yard next to me.

So, I stopped and listened, and when it didn't repeat, I went out and called "Hello?" and looked over the fence into their yard and walked onto their driveway and then went up and looked into their garage because their garage door was open, and then I even walked all the way around the edge of that corner lot on the sidewalk, looking to see if I could see anything.

There wasn't anything, but I'd hate to think that someone fell off of a ladder or got heat stroke or something, and was just laying there all that time.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Ambient noise (1 of 2): Tree frogs.

I am so in love with the tree frogs here; at night, they have this high-to-mid-tone croaking that just comes from everywhere in overlapping sheets.

Sometimes I just turn off my radio and keep my windows open, to hear the sound.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Two more avocado seeds mysteriously taken away...

 ...from the rickety plastic table on the small brick patio outside my back alley cottage.

The first time it happened overnight again, and the next time it happened during the same afternoon that I set it out.

I assume it's a squirrel, and maybe they're learning that I do that now?

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Wage scam.

On LinkedIn the other week, there was an ad for CNAs locally, where they'd give you a $2000 bonus after 2 years if you worked for them full-time.

That breaks down to like an extra $.50 an hour, paid retroactively after you've been there for two years.

What a scam.

And that's if they keep you to a 40 hour workweek, which isn't even a given, they might work you more.

Rather than actually trying to attract and retain workers, it's like bosses are resorting to sick gimmicks.

Anything but pay people!