Friday, August 19, 2022

Vegetable occurrences.

The local farmers' market closes on the early side, and between that and my defaulting to the sleep schedule that I had with my second shift job for a number of years, I've started tending to pop in right before they close, when some stuff is already sold out and some booths are closing, but on the other hand sometimes people lower prices and give you stuff just to get rid of it.

Like, the other week a classic rock-looking (mid-50s) (white) couple in sleeveless black tops gave me like five cucumbers that were on the smaller side and a little misshapen for a dollar, just to get rid of them.

And, with the corn truck, though they gave me a lower price for like a half dozen cobs than they had been selling at, they threw like four or five extra cobs at me, to the point where I took three of them over to my friends' aunt's 80th birthday party here, as like a corn garnish for the main gift that I had brought her!

At one point, I also bought three banana peppers, though, oddly, when I went to unpack them, there were only two.

I have no idea where that third one disappeared to; it was no-where in the sacks that I had brought with me, as my reusable cloth sacks to take vegetables home in.

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