Saturday, February 5, 2022

A dream of someting wrong (2 of 2): Sideburns.

The other week I dreamnt - I'm in my bathroom in my new house shaving, and when I go in to adjust it, I notice that my haircut is wrong and that my right sideburn is cut way up into the hairline, and I suddenly realize that my haircut is bad but there's nothing that I can do about it. And then, I wake up. . . . (I"ve had to start shaving closely more often than I've had to in a while, since I've been wearing N95 masks pretty religiously when I'm out because of the omicron surge; you have to keep a close shave if you want the seal around your face to be as good as possible.)

Friday, February 4, 2022

A dream of someting wrong (1 of 2): Grapefruit.

The other week I dreamnt: I'm sitting at home in my new apartment and there's two grapefruits sitting out on my kitchen table, and when I go to turn one over, the entire back side is covered with mold. And then, I wake up. . . . (I had a moldy grapefruit that I keep in my fruit area on top of my fridge, like the week before I had this dream.)

Thursday, February 3, 2022

My mother on Biden's prospective SCOTUS nomination:

"Black black black black, everything's about black. What about Asians? They really get sidelined." And, she said that she didn't mind a (black) (female) justice, that that was fair, too, but he shouldn't have said anything to predetermine it ahead of time. And and, she also said that it seemed to her that it was (white) (men) who really got discriminated against nowadays (!!!).

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Addendum addendum.

I usually don't drink beer at home, but I've noticed the last two winters with the pandemic, that since it's winter and you can't sit outside at a bar anywhere, sometimes I just feel like a beer, and so a few times I've bought some for home and had them there, which I never really do. A bit ago I also broke out my (Turkish) coffee pot that I hadn't used in a long time, since I felt like a special coffee beyond what you'd usually drink, only it's not like I'm going inside a coffee shop anywhere right now.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


When I was in the liquor store after New Year's, the (addled) and (strangely pasty) (balding) (Indian) guy who runs it said he made $20,000 over New Year's, people just kept coming in all day and buying hundreds of dollars of liquor, just over and over and over. He also says they're open like 11am till 2am, every day of the year.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Those sounds that just irk you.

You know how there's certain kind of sounds that just irk you? Well, here in the new college town that I now live in, there's a local brewery that does cool environmental brewing and makes good beer, and that I've bought a four-pack of tall boys from a few times, from the stock at the local liquor store just up the road from me, where there's a(n addled) and (strangely pasty) (lighter-skinned) (balding) (Indian) guy, who just sits behind the counter and serves a lot of (black) people all day, behind the stacks of boxes of these off-license aphrodisiacs, and just down from the aisle with a large selection of pork skins and Rap Snacks. And, anyhow, for some reason these cans have this smooth-looking but rough-feeling paper label subtly wrapped around the can where it looks like printing on the metal, only it's not, it's a paper sticker for some reason, in fact probably an environmental one, now that I think about it. So, anyhow, after I drink one, I make sure to rinse out the can and leave it in the dish drainer by my sink, and sometimes when I pull a dish out of there, another dish falls against the can and rubs up against the paper on it, and it just makes this noise that irks me then and that irks me whenever I think about it, it's like how your teeth feel whenever they touch a paper straw like they use everywhere nowadays, only it's not the touching sensation, it's like its equivalent in sound, and it's just awful, it just makes this awful sensation go up your spine where you like involuntarily clench and shiver and cringe.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The lives of the tenured: Resignations.

Just on Twitter a few weeks ago, I saw yet another (tenured) professor announce that they were quitting, this time a(n early middle-aged) (woman) with a job in a major coastal city that's widely thought to be desirable to live in. I've never seen anything like it... All the years, it was simply unheard of for (tenured) people to just get up and quit like that. You know a sector is unsustainable and f*cked when it's not even worth it for the few people left with the "good" jobs.