Monday, January 31, 2022

Those sounds that just irk you.

You know how there's certain kind of sounds that just irk you? Well, here in the new college town that I now live in, there's a local brewery that does cool environmental brewing and makes good beer, and that I've bought a four-pack of tall boys from a few times, from the stock at the local liquor store just up the road from me, where there's a(n addled) and (strangely pasty) (lighter-skinned) (balding) (Indian) guy, who just sits behind the counter and serves a lot of (black) people all day, behind the stacks of boxes of these off-license aphrodisiacs, and just down from the aisle with a large selection of pork skins and Rap Snacks. And, anyhow, for some reason these cans have this smooth-looking but rough-feeling paper label subtly wrapped around the can where it looks like printing on the metal, only it's not, it's a paper sticker for some reason, in fact probably an environmental one, now that I think about it. So, anyhow, after I drink one, I make sure to rinse out the can and leave it in the dish drainer by my sink, and sometimes when I pull a dish out of there, another dish falls against the can and rubs up against the paper on it, and it just makes this noise that irks me then and that irks me whenever I think about it, it's like how your teeth feel whenever they touch a paper straw like they use everywhere nowadays, only it's not the touching sensation, it's like its equivalent in sound, and it's just awful, it just makes this awful sensation go up your spine where you like involuntarily clench and shiver and cringe.

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