Friday, September 10, 2021

Grocery mishap.

Last month I went mega-grocery shopping for the first time in like 7 weeks - I space out my grocery shopping to minimize trips because of the pandemic, and only a few times I'd popped into a small store to pick up some quartered watermelons to tide me over until my next trip - and after I packed up my mid-size stand-up grocery cart like a "tank" of groceries and I wheeled it home, I parked it outside of my front door and began ferrying a few things in, until it was light enough to the point where I could gingerly ease it up the front steps and over my front door threshold.

And, as I was walking with a couple of cardboard cylinders of oats under my arms and some other stuff in my hands, I was almost to my kitchen when I noticed like a soft gentle hissing sound, and I turn around to put the oats down, and I see like a few oats flutter onto my kitchen counter, and all of a sudden I notice that I had squeezed one of the cylinders too hard and the bottom had popped out a bit, and a trail of oats was spread here and there coming in from my front door and across my living room and into the kitchen where I was.

And, I had to go back and sweep them all up.

Luckily, I didn't lose too many.

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