Monday, July 20, 2020

Bedtime routine joke.

There's this one really chill but fairly non-communicative resident at the resthome where I work, and whenever I assist her, I always ask her if she would like some lotion on her legs before bed.

(A lot of residents like that, especially if they have dry skin, since I assume that because of a bad back and worse posture and whatnot they can't bend over and put some lotion on their lower legs like they used to be able to do.)

"No thank you," she's always like, "I'll slide out of bed."

The other week, I clarified with her that this was a joke, and she confirmed that it was, and added that she gets lotion on her legs in the mornings, though one time she did indeed have me put lotion on her legs at night.

I'm thinking that I'll probably keep asking her anyways, so long as it doesn't seem to annoy her; it's good to give older folks choices like that, one of my trainings said that it keeps them engaged and gives them a greater feeling of control over the world, despite their living in an assisted living facility and having people assist them all the time.

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