Saturday, August 2, 2014

(German) perversions.

I forgot -

At the one slavery-associated historic site, there was this monument tomb with 4 classical-esque statues of women around the edges.

After me, my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend, and his (German) friend walked around the tomb and checked out the statues and inscriptions and whatnot, the one (German) guy was like, "You can see the women's nipples through their dresses, I wonder why they did that, that is very odd."

As soon as he was out of earshot, I whispered to my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend, "Oh my gosh, that is *so* German to notice a thing like that...  We'll have to be careful, next thing you know, he'll want to climb up there and go shit on them."

Friday, August 1, 2014

Rooftop barhopping (2 of 2): The second bar.

At the second bar the crowd was much much older, the view was shit, and the bartender (a younger blonde woman from Michigan) was both oddly sociable and oddly unsociable.

Me and the (German) guy told her about the skyscraper resident stories from the last bar, and her eyebrows raised with the topless yoga story.

"Oh, so she wants to be watched," she was like.

Then, she shut down and wouldn't talk more, though when we talked about Michigan and how it was nice to be so close she did say her little brother who had just turned 21 was coming to visit her soon.

"That's nice," I was like, "If he gets fucked up here, he can just walk over there and throw up," with me making a motion toward a balcony wall of the terrace bar and a general upchuck - out - over gesture.

"Oh no," she was like, "I'm going to take care of him."

"But your coworkers could feed him shots all night," I was like.  "There's only so much a person can do in those types of situations.  It's really beyond your control"

She was *not* amused - and even less so when I brought up a 2nd time him throwing up off the rooftop bar terrace.

It was like she couldn't fathom a situation where she couldn't take care of her little brother and keep him from getting drunk and throwing up off the rooftop bar terrace!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Rooftop barhopping (1 of 2): The first bar.

At the first rooftop bar, the (Polish) bartender and this ueber-straight kind of Mexican looking bro guy were telling us about the people who lived in the nearby skyscrapers.

In the one to the left with the glass walls, even the bathrooms had nothing but glass walls, and they pointed out one where you the blinds were up, and you could look in and see a shower and a toilet like right there.

"Most people pull down the blinds," the (Polish) bartender was like, "But some people stop caring and leave them up."

(That apartment they point out they also said always had the blinds up and no-one was ever there, which got me wondering if it was a real estate investment for the megarich.)

They also said there was this old man who would clip his toenails into the sink, and he'd have his foot up and on the edge of the sink in such a way that his junk was just totally hanging out there so everyone looking in could see.

They also also said there was these 2 girls - "nice racks," the ueber-straight kind of Mexican looking bro guy said - who would stand naked looking out the window, and when they saw enough people lined up on the rooftop bar looking at them, they would sit down and watch television naked, in such a way that you could look in and totally see their tits.

In the (lower scale) residential skyscraper directly opposite the rooftop bar, they said there was a woman who did topless yoga, but the residents in that building for whatever reason didn't know you could see into their apartments.

Many times, people would come over for a drink since they had seen the bar forever throughout their windows, and there at the bar they'd immediately get on their cellphones to call up their roommates and they'd be like, "Close the blinds, NOW," and then you'd see someone step up to a window, wave, and pull down the blinds.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tempting text that perked up a friend's day.

I really do love texting!

As I tell people, "I'm a texting whore."

When I was downtown a couple Mondays ago, I ended up meeting my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend's (German) friend downtown to let him into the art museum for free with my art school ID, and then since my evening plans had fallen through, we ended up walking around downtown and then rooftop barhopping.

Like 2 bars in, I thought that my one lawyer friend from Missouri might like to come out, so I shot her a text inviting her, but she had a lot of cases to prepare and was working till like way late (everyone once in a while she had to do that).

So, I replied -

Kommen aus!  Hie ist singel und kyoot.

- which she said was the funniest thing she had heard all day, and really made her laugh.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I forgot -

Since my one friend who teaches modern Czech literature was staying in Hoboken, I also insisted on calling it "boken the ho".

I also said that the city's unofficial theme song should be "boken the ho! boken the ho!", sung along to Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law".

Monday, July 28, 2014

Rampant consumerism in Manhattan: Personalized M&Ms.

The other day I texted my one friend who teaches Czech modern literature to see if she wanted to hang out, but she was visiting her mom in New Jersey, and was planning a trip in to Manhattan the next day.

The next evening, I texted to see what she had decided on doing and done in Manhattan, and it happened that she had wandered into the M&Ms store by chance and gotten personalized M&Ms.

I texted back and said that I had hoped she had gotten the "c with the hacek" i.e. -


- or perhaps the "r with the hacek" i.e. -


- but she didn't.

I then retrospectively encouraged her to ask to speak with a manager and express disappointment that their M&Ms weren't personalizable enough.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Palestine protest!

I had called up my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend to see if he wanted to go visit a slavery-associated historic site, and he did, and he said he'd be bringing along with him a (German) friend who was visiting.

That morning when we were talking by phone to finalize arrangements, he told me that afterwards he and his friend were going to go to a downtown protest on behalf of Palestinians suffering from the Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, and that I'd be welcome to join them.

"You know," I was like, "I've had a long week, and I really set aside today as my beach day."

"Well, [my first name]," he was like, "Acting on behalf of burning Palestinian children, or the beach, hmmmm, everyone has their priorities," and then he laughed.

His jokes are so much funnier in the delivery, since you can hear his British accent.

Years ago right after my one friend who teaches modern Czech literature met him for the 1st time, she was like, "His accent, is it even real?".