Saturday, January 25, 2025

Revelations about (Guatemalan) family structures.

So, like last year at the (Christmas) party, everyone at work at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now discovered that like all of our (young) (Guatemalan) coworkers have kids.

This year at the (Christmas) party, then, our one (newer) (younger) (female) (Guatemalan) coworker came, and she brought this cute toddler that looks a lot like her.

"Tu hijo?" ('Your son?'), I was like.

"No," ('No'), she was like. "Hermano" ('Brother').


A few weeks after that, too, I found out that two of our (newer) (male) (Guatemalan) coworkers are actually related... I had no idea!

At first, the one guy who told me this, said that the other one was his cousin.

Then, he clarified that he's actually his uncle, since he's the younger brother of his dad.

I then asked him how old he is -- twenty-four -- and then I asked him how old his uncle is -- twenty-four.

. . .

(. . .)

Friday, January 24, 2025

Response of an old (art school) colleague who does animation...

...when we were recently catching up -- we hadn't gotten together since before the pandemic! -- and I was telling him how I just phone it in at a pleasant dayjob and then I do what I want to do on my time off, with various writing projects of different types:

"So, you're like an artist?"

. . .

(Exactly. He also specified that it was specifically so I could follow up on all of these weird and strange interests of mine, and it was like, exactly. Artists tend to get me, immediately.)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Winter jogging.

I bought like $80 of gear for winter jogging -- new tight underwear to go underneath new tight mesh jogging pants, a new tight top to go underneath a new long-sleeved turtleneck that will cover my neck -- but when it's too snowy, that all goes out the window.

It's just too dangerous to go out when there's slush and packed snow on all of the sidewalks and on many streets.

At most, it's good for low temps but no snow on the ground.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A small side-effect of inflation:

You see a lot more fifty dollar bills floating around now, than you used to even two years ago.

Like, customers at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now pay with them more, and when I was making a deposit of some paychecks and tip-money at the local bank the other week, I was going to deposit both of my fifty dollar bills that I had on hand from tip money, but I decided instead to keep one with me, since I always like to pay in cash, and it's not onerous to use a fifty dollar bill now, like it used to be...

I mean, you go out to eat and get a few beers with the meal, and you're already at $30, paying with a fifty in a situation like that really isn't out-of-the-ordinary now, like it used to be.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Aging parents and awareness of possible scams.

Recently, it was quite something to see my (aging) mother in action, when she said out of the blue that she had mailed me a check for my birthday.

First, I've told her multiple times never to mail me money or checks. Twice at the house now where I live, even though I get my mail everyday, I've had envelopes opened, probably by someone looking for money or a check to cash. Plus, there's a lot of check-washing going around, where there's articles in the local paper and notices at the local bank (which even distributes special pens with ink that's hard to wash off!), and you have to go to the post office to mail checks since the big blue boxy post office mail things aren't always safe anymore, and besides all that, even, once a customer at the restaurant had check-washing happen to her, I overheard her telling her friend at a patio table...  

 And, all of this I've told my mother, and she had promised never to mail me a check, and she had also said that she would never send me more than twenty dollars, since twenty dollars doesn't matter if it gets stolen.

Second, she mailed me this check even though she knew that I was going out of town, and that it's post-holidays and a weekend is involved too. "Oh, it will get there in time," she was like. "I got confused with the day with the holidays, and I wanted you to have it by your birthday."

And, it's like she hasn't been aware of staffing cuts at the post office, or lingering holiday delays with mail, or any of that, even though her and my dad subscribe to a major newspaper, which I assume carries both articles on check-washing *and* the chronic post office woes of the past decade.

Third, she didn't realize that this would dump taking care of this on me, and I'd have to check with the postman if it would arrive (it wouldn't), and then on my neighbors to get my mail, all while I'm working right up to when I leave and I have a lot of different packing things to take care of, all of which makes it less of a sweet and thoughtful birthday gift, and more of a pain in the *ss.

It's like she was just completely out of it, on multiple, multiple levels.

Perhaps worst was one stray comment she made about check-washing, that she'd just lose the money.

Somehow it didn't compute with her, that they not only check-wash the recipient, but change the amount on the check, too!

Having seen all this now, I can see why elderly folks suddenly start becoming targeted for scams. They just can't register information like they used to, and they make repeated lapses in judgment. She's really living in a different world, where it's still cool to send a check by mail and it will get there in a few days, no problem.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Nice coworkers.

This month, my one (newer) (taller) (Thai) coworker at the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, told me that she can no longer work weekends...

She's been dating a guy for a bit now and he's from a town that's like 40 minutes away, so she wants to spend weekends with him, and commuting back and forth for work for a weekend shift is too much.

But, she said that if I was going to be gone over a weekend and I needed someone to cover those shifts, just let her know as far in advance as possible, and she would plan to stay at her mom's in town that weekend, and work a lot then.

What a nice coworker!

It's great to have a work environment, where people are relatively normal and everyone pitches in and does the "give and take" thing, to make everything work out for everyone.

I've covered a number of shifts for her when she's needed time off, since my schedule is relatively flexible, including once on shorter notice when one of her daughters got sick and had to stay home from school.

So, it's nice to see that reciprocated.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Another sign of increasing local homelessness:

One night as I was walking home from the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now -- along major well-lit streets, as always, since I carry tips with me -- I am passing by a local church with a (modern architecture) wing where it was dug out around what was the basement story, to create sharp vinca-landscaped slopes that slope downward and have the walls there be glass that let the natural light in, and as I'm walking on the sidewalk by there, out of the darkness I hear a cough.

("Exactly what you want to hear when you're walking home at night," said someone at the local brewery, when I was telling them this story.)

Like several months after then, I've noticed that even during the day there's this (older) (bearded) (white) man with a knit hat pulled down over his ears, and he's just hanging out down there, alongside a tall round dark grey plastic garbage can on a small roller-cart, that appears to be full of (his?) stuff.

I've been varying my routes home at night, now.