Saturday, April 16, 2016

So nice to curl up with a book.

The other Sunday I got up around 1:30pm after a night of clubbing, and felt like trying to finish this great sci-fi novel that I was working on.

So, I read a bit at the table over food, and then in my arm chair, and then curled up on the couch with the book.

It was a grey day, and a bit misty towards the end, and it was so wonderful just to waste a day on a book.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Library job terminology:

"chunk order",

as in -

"the order of the books as they return from the scanning facility in these big shipping crates, as people sometimes had small piles that they combined together haphazardly in order to fill the shipping crates before they sent them back to us."

So, as you look at the crates, you can find chunks in order, and if you can order those chunks as you move the books to the carts for shelving, you're ahead of the ball game and can save yourself a lot of time!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Another odd book find at my library job...

Again, I was going to pull books for the scanning project, and I came across a book that I had looked at for my dissertation...

And, not only that, I had to pull it for the project!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Odd dream of a church function.

The other week the same night that I wrote a friend back to confirm plans about going to a traditional church dinner of open-dinner-for-all-including-the-poor-but-discreet-donation-for-the-meal-if-you-can-afford-it, I dreamt:

We went to the church meal, all around this big table in a relatively bare room with very high ceilings and long curtains on these large windows.

(Somehow, I was at the meal somehow, but I was observing the room from high up and distant, and I don't remember seeing anyone, including myself.)

Then, the next day, I was reading the news, and discovered that the dinner was a fiasco because almost no-one gave donations and so the church lost $60,000 from it.

. . .

(Oddly, I remember almost no details of the meal or even where I read the newspaper, but I remember the specific amount of $60,000 that I read in the newspaper.)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Two conversations about Trump.

After that one Trump rally got shut down, my mom was saying that my dad was saying that he thinks Trump is going to get plugged, he's stirring up so much shit.

"Did you see him when that guy rushed the stage?", my dad was like when he got on the phone.  "He hopped like a frog."

Oddly, that same day, I saw my one (plump) (easy-going) (white) (late 20s) neighbor from next door, and when I asked about what she thought about the Trump rally getting shut down, she volunteered that she suspected the same thing about Trump getting assassinated, only she thought it would happen if he got elected president, he'd be so intolerable.

I guess I never thought about it, but it's kind of disturbing to think that people are seeing violence becoming more and more plausible, after all of the violence at the Trump rallies.

My neighbor also said that unlike New Orleans where she's from, here everyone is "on edge", and so it's no surprise that they managed to get the rally shut down.

"In New Orleans I think we had a jazz band," she was like.  "I mean, that's a cute protest New Orleans, but really?".

She also said that if I ever needed take out food, the restaurant from the minimall like three blocks up is great.

"You have no idea how fast they are," she was like.  "I time them from the time I hang up the phone, and once it got here in seven minutes.  Seven minutes!  The food was so hot I couldn't eat it at first, I had to spit it out."

She also said that the longest it ever took was like forty minutes, which still wasn't that bad.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Advice on neighborhoods in the city (2 of 2): From a potential boss.

Also back when my one lawyer friend from Missouri first moved to the city, she was thinking of getting a job on the edge of a bad neighborhood way to the south of downtown, and she asked her one potential boss his opinion on her maybe walking a bit to her workplace from the commuter rail line...

"I saw on your resume that you run," he was like, just looking at her and laughing nervously.

(She didn't take the job.)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Advice on neighborhoods in the city (1 of 2): From a (black) person.

Back when my one lawyer friend from Missouri first moved to the city, she was thinking of getting a job on the edge of a bad neighborhood way to the south of downtown, and she asked her one (African-American) (male) acquaintance about his opinion on her maybe walking a bit to her workplace from the commuter rail line...

"I wouldn't let my wife do that, and she's black," he was like.