Saturday, August 23, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (51 of 63): Cafe Goya.

Here is a Cafe Goya can:

Yes, it is a repeat, and I have it for no real good justifiable reason.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (50 of 63): Luzianne.

Oh do I have a story about this can:

First of all, it's white, and how often does that happen? It's like Nintendo cereal was the only cereal box ever sold that was black (black makes the product size look smaller, so marketers avoid that color).

Second of all, like last year when I was explaining to this Spanish guy I know about stereotypes of blacks in the U.S., I went to the website of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia to show him a picture of Aunt Jemima, and I found out that way back when Luzianne used to have a mammy on the can.

Also, one of my friends from Florida says Luzianne is a big brand down in the south.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (49 of 63): Chase & Sanborn.

The guys on this can remind me of the two movie critics from the Muppet Show, probably because there's two of them and they're old and white:

I find it interesting that stodgy English coffee comes in blue tins.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (48 of 63): Musetti Cafe.

Yet another black can:

I kind of like the ribbed tea cup on this one, though.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (47 of 63): Red Eye.

This coffee is by the guys who make Stewarts Private Blend coffee:

It has like double caffeine of normal coffee, so I used to cut it with decaf.

I find the eye on the label very disconcerting. I hear humans are biologically hard-wired from aeons ago to be wary around anything that looks like it might be watching them, even a knot-hole in a board on the wall. I wonder if my dining room would be more peaceful without this can.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (46 of 63): Great Value 100% Colombian.

This is Wal*Mart brand coffee:

The GV is kind of stylish, and it has purple, only associated with standard coffee and not dark roast.

Again, "100% Colombian" advertised on a generic store-brand coffee.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Coffee Can for You (45 of 63): Melis Coffee.

Again, a thinner coffee can for the Turkish coffee:

Also, it has that whole "mel-" thing going on too.