Mark Halperin and John Heilemann’s Double
Down – Game Change 2012 (New York: Penguin Press, 2013), p. 383:
[A DNC speech specialist] noted a
passage [in Michelle Obama’s DNC speech draft] that alluded to voter
suppression... “That’s a pretty good
section,” he remarked.
“Yes, I want that in there,”
Michelle said firmly.
POTUS generally made a point of
saying out of FLOTUS’s way when she was preparing oratory... But when [David] Axelrod and [speechwriter
Jon] Favreau started raving about Michelle’s speech as it was coming together,
Obama made an exception and took a look at the text – and was struck by how
personal it was, how much it referred to the girls.
“This one’s going to be tough for
me to watch,” he told Favreau, “because I’m going to cry.”
. . .