Friday, May 30, 2008

Guess what I just ILLed?

Because, the main library on campus doesn't have it --

Barabara Seaman's "Lovely Me: The Life of Jacqueline Susann".

From the Amazon description:

Pioneering feminist health scholar and Ms. contributor Barbara Seaman dishes all the delicious dirt on Jackie Susann, who left more dirt in her wake than most tornadoes: countless affairs with the famous and infamous (including Ethel Merman!), a scary passion for her father (whom Jackie, age 4, caught in flagrante delicto with a woman not his wife), and a cancer-ravaged life, exacerbated by enough drug binges and showgirl catfights to fill the most notorious roman รก clef in world history, "Valley of the Dolls".

And, she had an autistic son as well.

An Amazon user comment:

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

The real Valley of the Dolls, April 3, 2003
By Celeste M. Harmer (Clifton Heights, PA United States) -

LOVELY ME takes honors for being the most lurid bio I've ever read. It was great!

"Speed Racer" is not doing well at the box office.

Last night I went to go see "Speed Racer" at an IMAX with a friend at the 7pm showing, since the major theater downtown has now dropped it down to 2 matinees a day. Like ten people were in the theater. It's a shame, I think, especially since I think this movie will become a cult classic.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


So, when me and the other people got to the campground on Friday to go camping for the weekend, we immediately started discussing firewood, and someone mentioned that they had brought some up, but we still needed more, which made me remind people of the fact that because of invasive species like the emerald ash borer, it's illegal to take firewood across state lines.

"That and prostitutes," my one Dutch friend was like.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Banana / Oldies / Etc.

An banana somehow was left in the bottom of my schoolbag days ago, and today in its mushiness it exploded all over the books in there, as I discovered when I withdrew my Novum Testamentum Graece and an 1879 commentary I had checked out on reserve from the library.

This weekend when I was driving I had this oldies station on, and as I was talking with the other people in the car, the radio took an identification break and was like "Oldies WOLX 97.8, the longer you listen, the better you feel," and as soon as I heard that tag, I exclaimed out loud, "That's right!"

Now that write that, I wonder if black women are rubbing off on me. That exclamation was pretty spontaneous, and directly conveyed what I felt to all those around me.

Also, on another note, I'm obsessed with the chorus of Ciara's "One Two Step".

Also also, I love this YouTube comment about Ciara on the video:

gthomas2785 (18 hours ago)

She needs to claim a name or something. Something she'll be known for. Like the Princess of The "A". Something, like mary's the queen of hip hop soul.

Two Asians.

So, when I was drinking with this one guy from Classics with Korean parents, and this other guy with slightly weird eyes who turned out to be half-Asian, the conversation turned to yellow fever innoculations, and the one guy from Classics was like, "I wish everyone could get one," and when I asked why, he said that nothing drove him more crazy than yellow fever, especially ever since he realized that it was a white guy - Asian girl thing, and not the other way around. "Asian women are submissive," he was like, "But since they're Asian, they're also exotic, so when you combine the two, you get a woman who's wild but obedient, and what guy wouldn't want that."

At that point, the other guy talked about how his uncle who lived in the Bay Area married a very traditional Japanese woman, and everyday when he left for work, she would sit on the doorstep for 20 minutes with her hands folded, so that way if he forgot anything from home and came back, he'd find her there waiting to help him, and the several times that happened, there she was, waiting.

Later, the other guy said that once when he ate a footlong sub before water polo practice, he was swimming and all of a sudden needed to vomit it up, so he swam over to the drain on the side of the pool that drains water that's splashed over the side, and he vomited into that, and he did it so quick that none of his teammates noticed.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quitting smoking.

This past weekend on the camping trip I went on, for some reason a couple people started talking about smoking, and when someone mentioned they couldn't think of what it was like to quit smoking, this one kind of nerdy Jewish girl who, oddly, had at one point in her life smoked, was like, "You have to understand, smoking a cigarette is like getting a phone call from someone you love."