Friday, May 30, 2008

Guess what I just ILLed?

Because, the main library on campus doesn't have it --

Barabara Seaman's "Lovely Me: The Life of Jacqueline Susann".

From the Amazon description:

Pioneering feminist health scholar and Ms. contributor Barbara Seaman dishes all the delicious dirt on Jackie Susann, who left more dirt in her wake than most tornadoes: countless affairs with the famous and infamous (including Ethel Merman!), a scary passion for her father (whom Jackie, age 4, caught in flagrante delicto with a woman not his wife), and a cancer-ravaged life, exacerbated by enough drug binges and showgirl catfights to fill the most notorious roman á clef in world history, "Valley of the Dolls".

And, she had an autistic son as well.

An Amazon user comment:

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

The real Valley of the Dolls, April 3, 2003
By Celeste M. Harmer (Clifton Heights, PA United States) -

LOVELY ME takes honors for being the most lurid bio I've ever read. It was great!

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