Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Thanksgiving aftermath: Broth project.

I always keep vegetable scraps in my freezer until I have enough to make broth, and sometimes chicken bones, too, if I have any left over from staff meals at the resthome.

So, after Thanksgiving, I fired the turkey carcass in a big Ziploc bag that my one assisted living client with disabilities gave me - it just fit! - and then I took it home and I put it in the freezer next to my tupperware containers of vegetable scraps, to keep it until I was finally ready to cook up some broth.

This week, I finally boiled it all down, to make this very rich broth, and since I had enough scraps, I actually swapped out the water in my small stew pot like 3 more times so that I had 4 batches of broth to make up some simple cabbage broth stuff in my big stew pot, so I'd have it to pour over rice as a huge tasty series of meals.

Interestingly, I had boughten this (Chinese) or (Asian) cabbage or some such at my local supermarket last month since it was on sale and it was a lot cheaper than the normal cabbage I'd get, and after I cooked it up, I totally realized that it's the kind of cabbage that you get like at (Chinese) restaurants in your (Chinese) food that you order.

And it's been sitting there at my grocery store all this time!

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