Thursday, April 11, 2019

A dream of the resthome:

The other week I dreamnt-

I'm in the staff office at the rest home at the one main table we have out, but the whole place is blocked up and drywalled with fresh drying drywall, and the big window that's directly behind the table isn't even there, it's just a wall, and even over in the kitchen area where there's cabinets and the sink and a microwave and a fridge there's no cabinets or anything, just drywall, it's like the same size room and everything and even the jutting out room wall partitions are there, but there's not many features anymore apart from the table that's there like normal, since everything is drywall.

And, the light is gray and really dim, and it's not clear where it's coming from.

I'm sitting at the table not doing much of anything except nursing a little carton of prune juice like the ones we hand out to the residents, and then I start thinking that I shouldn't be just sitting in there and killing time and inhaling all those fumes.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

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