Sunday, June 20, 2021

Food stories (3 of 3): Hospital jello.

Last month, my one assisted living client with disabilities was telling me about this one time that she was in the hospital back when she was a teenager, like how she made friends with this one other girl who was in the same room and how they still keep in touch even now (e.g. she's now a grandmother and lives out in the suburbs near the city in which we live in).

Anyhow, back then both of them were joking about how the hospital jello is indestructible, so they started conducting experiments on it.

Like, they left it out on the concrete window sill for 3 days in a row, and even though it was in direct sunlight during the afternoons, it didn't melt and go away at all.

So, they were joking with the girl's dad, and he was like, "I wonder...", and then he picked up the jello and whipped it against the wall, and it hit the wall and it stayed together and it did slide down the wall like half an inch or so, but it otherwise just stayed there, this red blob just stuck onto the wall.

"I think they add protein to it or something," my client was like.

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