Thursday, June 24, 2021

A neighbor's sighting of an odd person.

Last month, I was sittjng out on the backsteps of my apartment reading since the weather was nice, and I talked a bit with my one (balding) (Irish-American) (late 40s) neighbor who lives in the couch house behind the house where I live in. 

He says he's in a routine and so he isn't going back in to work anytime soon, but his company is starting to pressure newer hires to start coming in to work downtown.

He also said that there's more traffic on the freeways, and the other week him and his girlfriend were going out to the 'burbs, and when they were stopped in traffic, there was this (homeless) guy on the embankment with no shirt on and his pants down and they were all like, "What's up with that?", since you usually never saw anything like that right there where they were.

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