Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Odd person on the subway the other day...

...when I was going into work on a Sunday afternoon last month:

 A man's loud, too-hilarious, too-often laughing occurs from the far end of the car on and off for a good ten to twelve minutes, and then you hear a man trying to talk loudly with a woman, and then this (tall) (very dark-skinned) (bearded) (late 30s) (black) guy walks up towards my end of the car there and stands there, then gets off the car at one stop and then gets right back on again right away, and he laughs out loud once at nothing at all, and another time he sings a strand of a song very loudly, to no-one in particular.

Finally, he gets off for good at one stop a few stops later.

A bit later than that, a (fat) (white) (young) (gay-looking) guy gets on the car in too-short shorts and a "VACCINATED AF" shirt, and with a mask that says, "I'M VACCINATED - THIS MASKS' FOR YOU."

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