Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A story of laughter.

At my one German prof's 65th b-day party (which was a departmental function - and a very good one; it lasted for hours at this nice restaurant downtown and was a blast), when he gave his thank-you speech, he talked about the time he was giving a lecture in Praetoria and the audience kept laughing, and he couldn't figure out why, because he didn't have any jokes in his talk.

Afterwards, he found out that a small gray monkey was standing in the window behind him and mimicking all his gestures right after he did them - it put its hand on its chin right after he did, or spread its hands out when he did, etc.

He says he knew the monkey, too, because one had been lurking around that morning trying to get into the kitchen at the guest-house at the university there.

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