Friday, June 17, 2011

Saw Jesus the other day.

The other day at a post-commencement party at a student bar for a guy from my program, at like 10pm Jesus walks in.

"Hey, how are you doing?", he was like.

"Okay, except for allergies," I was like.

"Oh, what are you allergic to?", he said.

"Just seasonal stuff," I was like, then I laughed. "I should have said, 'hispanics'."

At that, he gave a polite laugh, and then pointed out that "We eh-Spaniards are actually a more clean people than Anglo-Saxons," and that eh-Spaniards typically shower twice a day.

"Really?", I was like. "Then why are you still so brown?".

Later, we talked, and he said that he got a job and is moving the 1st of August.

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