Sunday, June 12, 2011

A text from a Dutch acquaintance.

I randomly know this Dutch guy who works in local non-profits, and since for the longest time we were meaning to catch a drink but always had scheduling conflicts, we ended up texting for months about this and that after figuring out that we couldn't catch a drink that week because of our schedules.

Anyhow, after being in the Arab section of town at those bars, I texted him about how odd it was, that it was in the Arab section of town, but there were no Arab at the bars. We texted back and forth a bit about how Arabs don't drink, then somehow he sent me this (long; in 2 texts!) message:

I'm not keen on western living middle easterners, they're like Amish who keep their weird ass beliefs but choose to drive cars and take advantage of netflix but then still hate it.

. . .

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