Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Bad bus service in the far reach of the city.

The other week on a workday weekday, I went to go have dinner with an artist friend and his wife at their house in the far reach of the city, in a white-cop-and-city-worker neighborhood beyond a bunch of black neighborhoods.

First, when I got to the end of the subway line at like 4pm and I had to hop on a bus, I had just missed a bus, and it was *seventeen* minutes until the next one came.

When I asked her what was up, a (younger) (black) woman told me that they usually come every seven to eight minutes, but every once in a while one drops out, so that must be what it was, and then after a few minutes she goes and hops into an Uber that pulled up that she must have ordered to get to wherever she was going.

Second, after dinner I went to a neighborhood bar for a few drinks, and I could have hustled to try to catch the last bus at like twelve-thirty at night, but I was having such a good time, that I decided to stay out later.

And, the (later-middle aged) (white) bartender with a tam o'shanter (sp.?) said it wasn't even worth calling a regular cab, it could take up to two hours for one to show up, so she said I should just download a rideshare app and order a ride that way.

So, I did, and I paid Uber like $8 so I could get back to the subway line in that part of the city.

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